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I may have finally found my seat


Active Member
I like hunting from the ground but chair/stool options have been a little frustrating. The first stool I used was a little tripod stool with a back, and I'll just say it...it was rough on the man parts. I couldn't sit in it for very long because it was not comfortable downstairs. The last few seasons I tried a dove stool. It was definitely more comfortable but only on level ground. Any sort of slope and it wasn't great (not SS approved, no doubt) and I didn't want to carry a shovel to the woods to level out a spot. I looked into the Waldrop PacSeat's, but again, it looked like slope would cause an issue. Somehow I stumbled onto waterfowl marsh seats and got intrigued. With only one real "leg" I can be level. The Avian X seat was reviewed as one of the most comfortable, but a pound or two heavier than other options. I opted for comfort and gave it a shot.

It definitely needs some stealth stripping in a few areas, but it was really comfy in the hour or so I have shot from it. I also like that it swivels a little, not 360* but enough to maneuver for a shot. I also think it will be great once we get out of the summer drought and the ground gets mushier. I could see a potential issue getting it pushed deep enough into the ground without using something to make a hole first, so no option seems perfect, to me.

There are some areas I've hunted the past two years that are much better setups from the ground with the cruddy tree options. I've killed a few does from the ground with trad gear and it's a rush. I'm excited to get this thing in the woods and get ghillie'd up.