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If you could; what would you do,,,


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
There are days when I wish I would've made absolutely sure the buck I shot was indeed a target buck.
There are days when I'm happy with the buck.
There are days when I realize it was such a quick decision to be made I was damned if I did and damned if I didn't.
There are days when I know, had I not shot, I would've been thing... "was that Jagger"?

It wasn't Jagger... it was a solid buck.. it wasn't my best... it wasn't my worst.

So, some days I'd change, some days I wouldn't.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I would have just hunted more days if I could have. It's not over till the fat lady sings, though... we got some time left to fling arrahs. :)