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IKS Alert!


Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
So here goes. We got out to the blind at 5:45 Sunday morning. We are seeing deer all weekend, but way out of range. Around 8:00 we get about 6 turkeys come in on us. 4 of them come down into the bait pile, 2 toms stay up on the test track. Im inside the Lima Tank Plant test track. These deer are used to seeing vehicles all of the time. DOD Police, civilians, side by sides etc. This track is a 2 mile track, so its pretty damn big. And it sits down in a bowl. So from my blind up to the track is a good 15-20 ft with a very steep bank. Around 8:20 we see a buck actually heading towards us and my heart starts racing a bit. He comes around to the side of the blind and I put my cross hairs on him. I then lowered my bow and figured Id let him walk. Didnt take long to change my mind. Hes the first buck to EVER give me a shot, hes got my pulse way up, fuck it, lets do this. So he gets broadside, I put my 20 yard pin on him and fire. 8:23 He turned and started to run up the embankment to get up and over the track but quickly changed his mind b/c it was so steep. The red circle is the blind. The red dotted line is his blood trail. Where he crosses the top of the track and goes over took us about 3 hours to get to. Along the blood trail we would have great blood then it would slow down to nearly nothing. Where the red and yellow dotted lines meet is where we jumped him. Lots of blood in that bed. The yellow line is where we watched him run to. Where the yellow and dark blue lines meet is where he stopped and looked back at us. So we figure that by now he is just dumping blood b/c his heart rate is up. While the area coordinators are looking for the blood pool at the yellow/blue spot, I pick up the blood along the dark blue dotted line. Right where that line stops is where I stopped. The plan from here was for me to go back to my blind, get my stuff and they were going to set me up on a funnel/pinch point and drive the deer to me. So go get my stuff, then the DOD Cop drives me along the solid red line and drops me off.


So Im at the green dot waiting for these deer to pop out. The red dot is the DOD cop car. You can see the outer bank of the test track at the top of the image. That wall is about 25 - 30 feet high. Anyways, after about 30 minutes of me standing there I finally see them coming from that brushy area to the right. The green dotted line is the line 2 does took. My buck took the red dotted line. Hard to see it but thats a very steep hill from the gravel road to the test track wall. Well, he couldnt get up that hill. So I got to within 20 feet of him and shot him from the blue dot into the lungs. He rolled once down towards the bottom of the hill, did the death rattle and thats all she wrote. I couldnt believe, I had finally killed my 1st buck. I dropped my bow and put my hands up on my head and just stood there, by myself, looking at him.

I wasnt allowed to take any pictures b/c this is a military post. I will eventually get a copy of the pictures that were taken, but it could be a few months. So finally after 8 long years of hunting, I FINALLY got my 1st buck. He is not a monster and Im sure most of yall would've let him walk, but fuck, he got me all kinds of excited, and thats why I love hunting.

We got to examine entry and exit wounds. My initial shot was about an inch below his lungs and an inch behind his heart. I knew when I shot him that I could see the exit wound was low and just behind his right leg, but there was blood. His stomach and all 4 legs were covered in blood. That would explain the bloody ball sack picture.

He is being butchered for free. But getting the shoulder cut, and the cape is $20. I assume the meat will be ready by next weekend.

Now I have to decide do I want a full shoulder mount? A skull Cap? Or a Euro mount?

Want to send a huge thanks to everyone who continued to bust my balls all these years. A big thanks to @MoonLab for introducing me to hunting, quite possibly saved my life. I love you brother.