Sorry it took so long to get back it has been a very busy weekend and I did have a computer at home.
So last Thursday I was sitting at work checking the wind. It was out of the north which is what I was waiting for to hunt one of my favorite stands. This is in Knox county where I live not down south where I do most of my hunting. I decided to burn half a days vacation and go hunting really just planning on putting a doe in the freezer. I got home went out and shot awhile showered up and headed to the stand. The stand is in a large red oak with 2 trunks so you are really concealed. it is at the top of a ridge that runs back into woods but is over looking a cultivated field. The deer stage up in this area because they can see in all directions and when there are acorns there they really like it. I got set up around 3:00 because when the acorns are raining down deer show up very early. an hour after setting I here an ATV running around on the farm behind me. This is where the deer bed and come from so I was thinking that the deer would stay in the thicket back there until after dark. The ATV played around for quite awhile but around 6:30 he quit. Around 7:00 I catch horns and see the buck I shot coming in, The second I see him I think shooter and get ready. He stayed on the down side of the oak where I can't shoot for what seemed like forever. He finally fed around to where I could shoot but all the leaves that are still on was blocking my view. Finally after what seemed like for ever he to a place where I thought I could make the shot. He was really close to the tree and the angle was steep but I thought I could do it. I drew and placed the pin where I thought it needed to be and released. To my complete horror I hit to the right and back of where I intended. I watched the fletching disappear in his chest But knew I only got one lung. On the plus side I had a very low exit wound so I thought there would be a good blood trail. I walked out and did not push him at all, and had a sleepless night. I called my nephew for help and we headed out at first light. I was surprised the blood trail was not that great but we recovered him without much trouble. I was surprised by the exit wound I used a rage hypodermic and the entrance would was huge but the exit was a small 1/2 slit. when I skinned the deer the exit was wound was bruised and blood shot so I am sure it was the exit but something caused the blades to close up?
Taylor I did not have this buck picked out although my neighbor had sent trail pics of him so I knew he was around
FS I was using a compound when I hunt up here due to the small lots and property lines I am more comfortable using the compound. Although I made a marginal hit with it anyway.
Kaiser the mass was really good all the way out just under 20" of mass on both sides.
Thanks For all congratulation!
FS I will probably finish out the season with the long bow from the bow building thread. I hunted with it opening weekend down south at my cabin.