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Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Long day fellas, but I'm finally home, well-fed with fresh tenderloin, and pics are getting worked on....

Jake might as well be my second son. I held him as a newborn, I've cheered for him throughout his youth sports years, I've taken him out hunting since he started showing interest, and yet I'm not financially obligated for him. It's great! :LOL: He and my son have been best buds since they were in diapers and both their mothers share a similar story. While we're not related, we're most certainly family. To say he's ate up with hunting would be an understatement.

We were texting yesterday about opening day. He's been watching a buck for a while now on camera, and it was vulnerable. He was getting consistent daylight pics and felt fairly confident he stood a chance at sending an arrow this weekend. He was packed for a full-day sit because when you're in college you only have so much time to hunt... When my phone rang at 7:59 am I knew there was good news on the other end of the line. On the first sit, of the first day, of the 2024 season, Jake was tagged out. I couldn't be more thrilled for him, and couldn't finish breakfast fast enough, to rush out and pick up his Grandpa then head over to the field and see this buck. What an awesome memory!

