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Im Not Dead

Hey everyone I graduated bmt fine and now Im at Sheppard AFB learning how to be a crew chief on C17s. Thanks Steve for the letter that was pretty cool.
I saw the thread asking for where I was on my phone so Id thought I check in. Ive been reading threads on my phone for the last few days but I cant replay with my phone because its old and slow. Ill have my laptop in a few days.
I have come to the conclusion that TX is home to the largest population of sissys in the US. It is the only state were everyone drives a 4X4 truck but the cant plow 8 inchs of snow. Thats it for now Ill be around
If anyone has any vension jerky they mite want to part with shoot me a pm.


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
Dude i feel for you. I do not miss san antonio at all. Was in basic there than got stuck training there. Basic was a joke though. Couldnt believe how many guys couldnt handle it..


Senior Member
Congrats and thanks!

Looking forward TOO hear more and TOO see you on here more again!


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Tom good too se you back on the board.... where you getting stationed at????? You couldn't score any higher on your ASFAB to qualify for another maintenance career field........ hahaha.... just a little AF humor lol


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
Congrats on the graduation Tom! Thanks for your service buddy!!!

I'd send you some jerky, but I'm not happy with how it turned out. I'm going try a new batch pretty soon, so hopefully I'll have something to send you!
Thanks everyone I should have my laptop on tuesday. Gecko is right basic was a joke. Its crazy how some people even got into the airforce there was one kid in my flight that we had to dress, shave is face, and then we had to swap his mattress out at least twice a week because he pissed himself. Then there was another retard that liked to chew on rocks.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Thanks everyone I should have my laptop on tuesday. Gecko is right basic was a joke. Its crazy how some people even got into the airforce there was one kid in my flight that we had to dress, shave is face, and then we had to swap his mattress out at least twice a week because he pissed himself. Then there was another retard that liked to chew on rocks.

WOW.... I'm starting to understand what I'm seeing now..... Why didn't they just discharge them then, instead of pushing them through to the tech schools.... Weed them out early and move on....
Do you know where you're going yet?


*Supporting Member*
Thanks everyone I should have my laptop on tuesday. Gecko is right basic was a joke. Its crazy how some people even got into the airforce there was one kid in my flight that we had to dress, shave is face, and then we had to swap his mattress out at least twice a week because he pissed himself. Then there was another retard that liked to chew on rocks.

My buddy got back in November from basic/tech and he had some horrific stories. He would be on fire watch, hear noise in the barracks, see kids sleep walking and taking clothes out their locker. His MTI would storm the shower room, and make some of the kids to flutter kicks. One kid couldnt use the bathroom for 3 weeks, nurse gave him laxetives, he ended up having to get brand new dress blues along with 2 other people that were around him when the freak accident happened.

Good God...... thankfully my buddy got through it. He said the hardest part was coming back home after being away for 5 months. It was hard to adjust back to reality after going through hell.

Congrats dude


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Thanks everyone I should have my laptop on tuesday. Gecko is right basic was a joke. Its crazy how some people even got into the airforce there was one kid in my flight that we had to dress, shave is face, and then we had to swap his mattress out at least twice a week because he pissed himself. Then there was another retard that liked to chew on rocks.

It's amazing the fuggtards you meet... In actuality it was the primary reason I got out of the Army... They started letting anyone that was breathing join and making them Pvt Fuggup.. I got my stipes and suddenly was responsible for these dimwits. Which I didn't mind because I went to Ft Benning for Basic and was of the school that a "Wall to Wall Counseling" could fix any solder. But the army was pushing for a "kinder gentler Army"...