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I'm right your wrong


*Supporting Member*
Does anyone else feel like anymore deer hunting is just a big flexing match? Everything seems so hypocritical. So examples below

1. I hunt over corn, not plots
2. I hunt over food plots, not piles of corn huge different
3. I say smoked him when I shoot
4. Saying smoked him is dumb, I say drilled him (or other term)
5. I call it a set
6. calling it a set is dumb, I just call it a stand
7. I was pumped said I let my broadhead eat
8. stupid, just say you shot it
9. I say slugger, toad, etc
10. Thats dumb I just call them freak nasty
11. Xbow hunting is dumb and easy. Im a real hunter I shoot a g5 prime with a fuggin 260 dollar site. Thats hard!

I think you all get my point. It just seems so chilidish. This is one of the only forums I can be on because we don't have much of that on here. I am just referring to in general tho, seems like so much "what I do/say is the right way, the rest of y'all are wrong".

Am I the only one who feels this way?


Staff member
It's that way in all pursuits. Get hardcore in to just about any other hobby and frequent forums on it and you'll see the same thing. It's largely human nature. It's why people suck... lmao


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
It's hard for people to just truly be happy for another person. This place (TOO) is full of good people who actually care about one another and are happy with the other persons success. It doesn't matter if it's someone getting a rabbit, people find the best joy in that for others. I'm glad that some real people still exist.

Most other places is just a keyboard pissing match anyways. You say whatever you want because no one else really knows you.


Junior Member
The same thing happens on the coin forums I get on. I dare someone to get on there and call a wheat cent a wheat penny or a cent a penny lol.


*Supporting Member*
What really sparked this is a good friend of mine (Older guy) finally got a Facebook. He put up pictures of bucks he's had on camera. He's buddy chewed him out for it. This guy has killed tons of good deer and never brags much at all. He was just sharing what he loves.

Anymore I just feel like it's all about what you say after the shot than how you really feel.

I will admit it. I have said smoked him. Never cause I thought I was on tv just what came to mind after a shot one.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
This is all caused by the "pro staffers" and celebrity hunting shows. I've learned alot in the last couple years of bowhunting, keep my fuggin mouth shut, there's always someone who will step on your toes.


Junior Member
dunn nc
that's what makes people who they are, it;s all good everyone can;t be alike, would be a boring world, everyone has there own way of expressing or doing it there way, don;t mean it;s right or wrong,just the way it is,sometimes i call it a big buck, stud, wallhanger, an f@#@!@g monster, big daddy and so on ,but it;s all good, ha ha ha


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Fugg what other ppl think. I know what you're saying here, but people should be confident in their recommendations, beliefs, and actions to defend them. The extreme pussification of today's society is sad.

Do things your way, don't speak for others and use "I think or I feel" and it comes across much lighter. In the end, fugg what other ppl think.


*Supporting Member*
Just talking to a buddy about this. Hunting should not be a jealously competition like some make it into. Just sucks but people are always going to hate!

agree 100%. The bad part is I have found myself being hypocritical of folks on TV. I saw a FB video the other day that Mike Waldell put up. He was discussing how many people tore him up because he setup a redneck blind. FUGG if I could afford it I would have 10 of them they are sweet! However most just shoot it down cause they can't afford it, so it aint hunting.



Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I'd shoot a nice buck from my living room if given the chance! People would hate I'm sure, but they could kiss my ass. Every time I get up I look out the windows and try and catch a glimpse of a deer, that's huntin baby!

Wasn't it Jesse that did sorta the same thing during a football game? No one here hated on him, that stuff is cool. Most others would be jealous of that kind of thing.


Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
Fugg what other ppl think. I know what you're saying here, but people should be confident in their recommendations, beliefs, and actions to defend them. The extreme pussification of today's society is sad.

Do things your way, don't speak for others and use "I think or I feel" and it comes across much lighter. In the end, fugg what other ppl think.

Couldn't have said it better myself.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
i personally believe a lot of this stems from technology making it easier for anyone to become more proficient at killing critters thus putting more hunters into the field that's causing a lot of the arguing and pissing matches. Along with all these TV shows glamorizing it and so called "self proclaimed pro hunters" pimping every known gadget from A to Z to help pay the bills so they can travel the world killing whatever.

It's no secret that if hunting was harder less people would do it. Let's say for example that archery season was only legal with traditional gear and compounds and crossbows were not, less hunters would be out there hunting. The same with muzzleloader season with nothing being allowed but a flintlock musket and such. You'd have less participation and the woods woods would be less crowded and game more plentiful but most importantly those who are still taking up the challenge of hunting are much happier. They have more land to hunt for themselves and less competition.

Now everyone from 4 years of age to 80 can have a legitimate chance to kill a deer if they have a place to hunt. Now that the competition is at an all time high next comes the question, "How can I make the land I hunt more attractive to the deer and draw them over here and hold them here so I can hunt and kill the big buck?" So here comes the food plots and henge cutting along with the planting of trees like chestnuts,white oaks and fruit bearing trees. This is great for hunters that have 50 acres or more but what about those that have just an acre or two?

Well they've watched TV and seen these pros set up over a pile of bait of some kind so they just do what they can to give themselves a chance to kill something so they start baiting. This in turn causes friction with the neighboring LO/hunter because he just heard that the big buck he's been chasing and feeding the past 3-4 years was killed by a 10 year old girl using a xbow propped up on a lead sled with her dad,uncle or granddad sitting next to her running video from their ground blind with 2 ozonics running inside.Now hunters are trying to either lease property out from under their competition or out bait them somehow to draw the deer back or keep them from roaming over next door.

This is what hunting has come to today! One big competition and pissing match! There are different degrees of difficulty any challenge a person or in this case a hunter wants to take on. They can try to kill a deer with a traditional bow at 15 yards, a shotgun or muzzy at 200 yards or less or a high powered rifle at 500 yards. As long as they're hunting lawfully and ethically that's all that matters to me. They have the responsibility to make as good of a shot as possible to kill the deer has quickly and humanely as possible.

So in response to your thread Albert I'd have to say that the advancement in technology along with the glamorization of the big buck hunting on TV by the hunting industry helped create an over crowded countryside with everyone trying to kill a big deer is why we have the bickering we have today, IMO.
Almost anytime we post our view on this site or any other we are asking for someone to challenge that view. I've learned to bite my tongue most of the time. My views are not always popular so I've learned to keep them under my hat most of the time. The only drawback to this is that I find myself posting very little on any sites anymore. Much easier to just read and let things I disagree with slide by.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Almost anytime we post our view on this site or any other we are asking for someone to challenge that view. I've learned to bite my tongue most of the time. My views are not always popular so I've learned to keep them under my hat most of the time. The only drawback to this is that I find myself posting very little on any sites anymore. Much easier to just read and let things I disagree with slide by.

Views are just at Dick, we all have them and it seems for the most part that a lot of us have like views too an extent.... Some of us older gentlemen will have some different views from the younger folks on here but in general they're not that far off....


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
A few weeks ago me and a friend just about went to blows because he has so much animosity towards others that kill a deer he hasn't killed a deer over 120 but says one of them is 143. I just let him go because it must make him feel good about himself and I don't care what anyone else shoots I'm happy for them. Well he started crap with my brother about the wide 8 he killed being a six point because he broke both brows itbdidnt go over real well I had enough and let him know about it were all on the same team and should get along all the fighting between sportsman is why the sport is where it is today.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
The saying like "smoked him" or he is "a freak nasty" stem from TV. A guy can say he doesn't watch the shows. You don't have to watch the religiously to pick up these catchy sayings. Even reading others on TOO or in a magazine puts these in our minds. Sometimes they slip out and that is okay by me. Some get old after awhile, but it is what it is.

Some really good points have been made. I agree this site is less likely to jump on a person than others but in some ways are quicker to jump on others.

Jealousy and greed are dirty things. We have all had to deal with them at some point. What saddens me is hearing Hortontoter say he holds back. I think sometimes I need to hear a differing opinion. Maybe my line of thought isn't as clear as it should be?
It's human nature to out-do someone by saying my stick is bigger than yours. Wars have been fought for years because of people's ego's boiling over. The internet has just made it easier for people to puff out their chest when they don't agree, heck they likely will never come face to face with the person they are arguing with. The "ethical or being more politically correct" arguments are the best because each has their own opinions. Who's to say who is right or wrong?! I'm slowly learning to be more like Dick and let some stuff slide off and ignore it but hey....I'm human too LOL!