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Imox Herbicide


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I'm thinking about doing this in my lawn at our business property. We have 7.6acres. Roughly half is lawn, drive, and buildings. Other half is woods. Most of the lawn by the woods is clover. Be a fun experiment to see if I could get it to fill in. Probably end up with a big dirt patch.
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Well-Known Member
Keene, OH
Great pics and visual captures... What's the earliest you think IMOX will work this spring - 2020. Going to try the double application in 2020 and would like to hit it around the beginging of turkey season and again in late July or early Aug..
Great pics and visual captures... What's the earliest you think IMOX will work this spring - 2020. Going to try the double application in 2020 and would like to hit it around the beginging of turkey season and again in late July or early Aug..
. I think you are only supposed to spray once a year. I would hit it in June or so a week or 2 after mowing.


Well-Known Member
Keene, OH
Thanks cspot - I love what you did but buddy part of how you did it makes my skin crawl - for your safety and anybody reading/learning from it. I grew up on a farm - and worked for 30 years around things, that by design, will kill you - and saw in your pics that you didn't have much Personally Protective Equipment (PPE) on... waterproof gloves, GOOD mask, head cover, eye protection, long sleves, pants rubber boots if walking thru the spray. Not trying to be a buzzkill but that's pure poison in the tank, breathing it in or absorption thru the skin/lungs is 'Bad'. End safety brief.

K - peace, love and be safe. I looked up the label, here click link -> IMOX™HERBICIDE

Here's the cliff note on IMOX applications:


Well-Known Member
Keene, OH
Got with my neighbor and we laid IMOX down on about 10 acres of food plots. IMOX is supposed to be spread at 4 to 6 oz per acre on land. That's a 50% increase/difference in herbicide application amount and if you don't read and follow the full instructions it can and will kill or inhibit your crop plantings. We found the best detailed info on Raptor (IMOX is the generic Raptor) it can be found at the link here: RAPTOR

Calibrating your sprayer is to understand how many gallons of liquid your sprayer-pump+pressure+nozzels+speed will deliver over an acre. The IMOX oz for your crop(s)and surfactant are based per acre.

The local agronomist both Merit and Heritage Co-op recommended 20 gallons per acre as IMOX was designed as an aquatic herbicide, "it works better - wetter" much different then Gly or other 'burning' herbicides.

We put down IMOX last Sunday, 2 May at a rate of 20 gallons, 4 pounds of ammonium sulfate and 5.25IMOX oz / acre

For my setup, That equaled, 20 gallons/acre which was accomplished by setting the variables at = 40psi on a 7 nozzle(boom) = 1.9gpm, 3mph.

With a 25 gallon tank it's just some simple arithmetic for a full tank, the big rock up front is counterbalance the rear weight for steering!!

I put a cellcam on that particular plot and will be updating about once per week with the results.

I do practice what I recommend, PPE wise, Rubber boots, rubber gloves, full 3m mask and caustic filters, glasses and long sleeve shirt. It is poison after all...
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Dignitary Member
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@Stressless what is the desired "crop" in that picture you posted? Past research I've done on IMOX indicated that it was critical to spray undesirable vegetation when it is very young / vulnerable. Those grasses look anything but young and vulnerable. Thank you for your detailed post on application rates. I just think a little more detail on the plot itself would be helpful to some folks. What's your "crop," what are you trying to kill, etc? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Keene, OH
So the pic doesn't do the grass and broad leaf weeds justice. With the cool weather and semi wet spring they are... well... "growing like weeds" :ROFLMAO:

The plot crops are Red and White perennial Clovers, Chicory and Birdsfoot Trefoil. A thread on that is here... https://theohiooutdoors.com/threads...dlife-habitat-improvements.26114/#post-715221 All four crop species are in each plot. It was too early the week prior and rained .every. .damn. .day. the last week of April when we had targeted the spraying.

Both weeds and plot crops are just growing, greening up and are prior to weeds seeds setting. Also, within the plots I overseeded cereal rye last Oct which caught real nice and which is in the first stage of bolting. I have one plot, spoil which I blogged here - https://theohiooutdoors.com/threads/stressless-ridgetop-spoil-food-plot-creation.26118/#post-715464
... this plot (Spoil) got frost seeded this winter and also sprayed with IMOX 2 May, so I'm somewhat concerned but still interested in how it performs with the IMOX as young newly germinated crop seeds.

One if the most invasive weeds, besides the grasses is purple dead nettle: I am trying this on the plots as the crop species are in there but being out-competed by the weeds, both grasses and broadleafs due to being grazed to the dirt while the grasses are relatively untouched.

This is a pic of Pipeline Plot, 21 April, way too early for IMOX application, it's amazing the amount of growth in the last two weeks of April.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
That purple dead nettle is seemingly everywhere this spring! It’s getting worse every year.

Keep us updated on the results. I’m curious how those grasses respond to the imox. I have a couple large clover plots in need of spraying (probably won’t happen now) and I was planning on applications of Clethodim for the grasses and Butyrac for the broadleafs. Clethodim does a decent job even when the grasses are fairly advanced.


Well-Known Member
Keene, OH
Well, I don't know what I boned up in this forum from my last post, didn't seem to post the pics... in any case here's the first day, one week and two weeks pics. Applied on 2 May.

Application day 02 May:

One Week later 10 May:

Two weeks later 17 May:

My neighbor and I regard waiting for IMOX to show results is like being stalked by a turtle.... :ROFLMAO: It does appear to yellowing and the Purple Dead Nettle is browning up. Plenty of cool temps and rain for excellant growing conditions. The clover for sure doesn't appear to be hit or compromised too badly, seems to to be out competing the grasses as they have slowed or stopped growth.


I haven't "touched up" any of the pics - strait from Spartan without changes in brightness, contrast, exposure etc.
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