Good evening folks. Long time reader of TOO, but I don't think I have ever posted. I am from southwest Ohio, near Miamitown. I am an avid outdoorsman (anything outdoors) but my main passion is deer hunting with bow, rifle (Kentucky) or muzzleloader. I am President of Southern Ohio Dog & Game Protective Association. I want to wish the best of luck to all of the members that are going out in the morning. I will hunt the morning but I am not to hip on hunting in the high temps that are forecasted for the afternoon. By the way I think I just found the best cover sent. I was letting my dog out and as my screen door was closing (it has a fast latch speed) I felt a wetness hit me in the face and arm and smelled a god awful stench yep a stink bug flew into the edge of the frame and got smashed and squirted on me I took 2 showers and I can still smell it. Looks like I am on the sofa tonight. Ha ha.