I love how I've become the poster child who went from being a punk ass kid that Jesse almost drove to PA to spit tobaccy on his shoes and beat up to someone with better questions, smarter posts, and then to be accepted.

Don't worry, I've still got a little bastard in me! I just saw how big Swantucky was and didn't want any part of that!
Johnch- their advice is good. Take it from me, I pissed nearly all of these guys off and now consider them to be my hunting mentors and many of them great friends. After amassing around a thousand posts, I got bored and stirred the pot, almost got kicked off the other site. Then I woke up and realized that there is a hell of a lot more than just arguing (though as someone going into law, you won't find someone who loves to argue more..it's just like rabbit hunting!). I started reading three times more than I posted, only contributed what I thought was sound advice, and started asking solid questions. There is a wealth of information and help to be had, a TON of good stories to read, jokes to laugh at...this is truly a great place. Stick around, post some pictures (we LOVE pictures) and make some friends. If you get a chance to hunt or shoot with someone, take it. If you can make the BEC shoot, do it - it's a great weekend of brotherhood and shooting. Like Jack said, I didn't know a lot of the guys and wasn't sure. I actually was just planning on going to the shoot portion, but got off work early at the last minute and had a what-the-hell moment and texted 1023. He, of course and like always, hooked me up and I had one of the best weekends of my summer, and that's coming from a college kid!