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It’s down!! Isaac got his first archery buck!


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A very patient guy. He’s 13, it’s his first archery buck. Isaac has passed multiple bucks in the past 2 years on both public and private, waiting for “the one.”

With limited time, since football ended and wrestling started we’ve been out at every opportunity. Today wrestling ended about 2, he and his brother rolled into the drive way, asking if we could hunt. Of course we are! Check the wind and choose a spot I told him.

The past two years have been filled with learning for him… lots of archery practice both compound and crossbow…scouting… setting cameras… Checking the wind for our hunts… choosing a set up for the location: fixed stands, mobile set up with saddle/ hangon and ground sits… practice drawing on stand… what to pack.. layering… all of the essential basics. (Most of which I didn’t learn until I was an adult)

3 pm. Spot was chosen. NW corner of a hay field at our farm, an easy walk from the house. 5 mph west wind that’s from the thick brushy woods (an older clear cut). The NW field edge is a brushy natural pinch at the top of a steep boulder filled ravine linking the clear cut to an oak flat and another field and pond. He chose to sit the ground. Weapon of choice was the crossbow do to sitting on the ground and not being comfortable with seated shots. I agreed, try to prepare for clean accurate shots.

We hiked in, not too far from the house. He chose the exact spot, probably best for the wind and known deer paths. Just 60 or so yards from where he had hunted a few days ago. Set up tucked into the brush with only 2 shooting lanes where the trail enters the field. Due to tree sizes I had to sit about 6-8 feet to his left against an old tree stump with part of a top in front of me.

4:30. Nothing but birds and squirrels so far. And a very uncomfortable spot to sit.
4:45-5 does trickle into the field edge- from the west woods and up wind of us, closest was 4-5 yards
5pm. it cuts loose, squirrels running, bird chattering and flying, does on alert looking back towards the woods. Out walks a half rack spike buck and immediately starts to bump does around the field. Moments later a small 6 runs out chasing as well, pushing the 6 point to our shooting lane. Hesitant he stops to look west and before walking directly towards us.

The 10 point (smaller than some he’s past on, but never this close…)
As he makes his presence known and also starts pushing the does and smaller bucks around at which point, I mumbled to Isaac, “ you ready?” I saw a nod and heard the safety click, really unsure if he was actually going to shoot. The buck makes his way to 5 yards perfectly broadside, no clue to our presence.
Isaac shot! Perfect sounding “pop.”
We looked towards the woods where the buck ran while gathering our emotions. Not only his first buck but also my deceased brother Kyle’s birthday.

We discussed our plan. Entered the field and checked for the blood and bolt. Standing at the kill spot only sparse hair was present. Looking nearby he found blood! Bright red and bubbly. We decided to back out, hike home and eat dinner. Gathering supplies and extra lights a few buddies and a neighbor kid came to help track.

Starting back at ground zero blood was everywhere going into the woods, trees on both sides of the trail. Isaac, like detective patiently tracked one patch of blood to the next across the stream. There he laid, less than 50 yards from where he was standing, he had crumpled in his steps his rack hung up in the trees. Isaac grasped the antlers the excitement and a sigh of relief, knowing the search was over. Admiration and point counting resume. Pictures next. Last thing to learn was field dressing, which he has witnessed but not performed. We got him drug out and hauled to our garage to get cooled down and ready to butcher in a few days.

Big thank you for allowing us to share this experience with TOO 🦌

Man what a fantastic story and hunt. Thanks for sharing it with us. Congrats to Isaac and you got to witness it, no greater joy than seeing our kids enjoy the outdoors.
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