meeting with a potential client.
Ohiosam *Supporting Member* 12,040 205 Mahoning Co. Dec 21, 2010 #1 meeting with a potential client. [video][/video]
cotty16 Dignitary Member Supporting Member 18,601 207 Woods or baseball field... take your pick. Dec 21, 2010 #2 Geez... good luck with that one Ernie. There are a few moms of my students that sound just like this chick.
Geez... good luck with that one Ernie. There are a few moms of my students that sound just like this chick.
U uglykat26 Senior Member 6,386 0 Hopedale, Ohio, United States Dec 21, 2010 #3 my wife sounds pretty close to her......lmao
Dannmann801 Dignitary Member Supporting Member 10,970 205 Springboro Dec 21, 2010 #4 can't believe he didn't take the case....
cotty16 Dignitary Member Supporting Member 18,601 207 Woods or baseball field... take your pick. Dec 22, 2010 #5 Ernie, you need to graduate and move down my way. You can hire my wife. She's a helluva paralegal and her boss is a giant DOUCHE!!! One of these days I'm gonna drop his ass. Hire her, be a fair boss, and I'll hook you up with some hunting ground.
Ernie, you need to graduate and move down my way. You can hire my wife. She's a helluva paralegal and her boss is a giant DOUCHE!!! One of these days I'm gonna drop his ass. Hire her, be a fair boss, and I'll hook you up with some hunting ground.