Well, scored on a doe tonight... Have a stand on a creek crossing but they weren't coming across where I'd thought they were so I ended up setting up a ground blind between two spots they were using..... Had a shooting lane too the northwest and one too he south.... If they tossed the creek in any of the locations I saw them while on stand I'd have them covered.... Spent 3-4 nights hunting that spot but they wouldn't cross during legal shooting time so I got frustrated and gave up on it and figured I'd hit it during gun season....
Fast forward 10 days I looked at my antlerless tag and decided I wasn't going too sit back and watch it expire..... So I went back this afternoon and got situated around 3:20 it was quiet and then the wind would whip up and go quite again.... I kept scanning behind me on the other side of the creek sin that's where they have been coming from....
Nothing moving other then squirrels and an occasional bird.... About 4:55 I saw movement and it was basically directly under my stand at 50 yards too the north.... Three doe were making their way under my stand!!!!! Dang.... Haven't seen them come that way before lol..... Well they made about 30 yards too the north west and were following the edge of the thicket in front of me slowly feeding on what leaves were left on the red brush....
Two of the three were the same size with one being somewhat larger.... The lead doe was about 30 yards in front on the other two and the way my season has gone so for I didn't want too push my luck and daylight was waning..... So at 20 yards I pulled he trigger... Now I have been using my buddies crossbow since I blew the reticle out of my crossbow scope but we have the same setup with the only difference is he uses rage three blade mechanicals which I have never used, so I settled the dot on the crease behind the shoulder and off the arrow went and using the luminock also was watching it hit and it was a little further back but it looked like the nock kicked too the left on the hit.... Might have been an illusion but that's how it looked.... It reared around and went flying into the thicket in front of me and went about 40 yards stopped and looked like it plopped down.... The other two didn't know what was going on and walked over too it and then walked away and that when she got back up and followed the other two.....
Damn.... Not what I wanted too see.... I waited 20 minutes then got up too look for the arrow with no luck but had dark red blood and lots of brown hair.... Well at that point I grabbed my stuff and walked away from them and too the truck..... Sat in the cab with the heater running replaying it over in my head.... Came too the conclusion it was a solid liver hit.... So I left and went home and talked too my buddy Shawn and figured we'd give it a try after a couple of hours....
Well, about two hours into our wait it started snowing and was coming down pretty good..... So off we went.... Arrived at the farm and went too the last place I saw it and followed 3 sets of tracks semi covered up that ran together and found a bed with blood, 30 yards more another bed and then 40 yards another bed and looked like she was bras bing around some too get up.... She jumped a couple of times and about 30-40 yards away there was a white hump on the field, walked over and here she was all covered in snow.....
A big thanks too my buddy Shawn for helping me find her and dragging her out.... Also for letting me use his bow so I could fill that tag..... I'm a pretty lucky guy too be surrounded by friends who are so willing too help me out....
So with that tag filled I'm looking forward too gun season and maybe getting some redemption on one of them bucks that keep eluding me lol...