All reports here are that we have a decimated deer herd. My first sit in the stand this afternoon and saw nothing until leaving the property. Saw 3 healthy does on the way out the gate. It will be a long season here.
Seemed to be a pretty bad bout of EHD this time as I frequent both PA and KY hunting forums as well and it seems those counties that border the Ohio River corridor at least up here in PA/OH/WV got the brunt end of things, but then Eastern KY sounds like it got slammed really hard to. Around my area of PA (I live pretty much on the PA/OH border) the reports are pretty much the same as you suggested just no sightings by anyone and I know of 0 bucks killed in the immediate couple miles around my place which is highly abnormal for this time of year.
This being said I have seen about 5-8 doe and 2 or 3 bucks recently so I feel very fortunate that at least there are a few around to hopefully aid in the repopulation and hope that as many suggest triplets will be a common theme for the next few years. It's kind of strange thinking that it will most likely be 2-3 years before both the population as well as the quality of bucks will resemble what it was in years past. As with anything in life I kind of never really paid attention to EHD even though it was well publicized on high exposure hunting shows and forums but when it actual impacts you you begin to recognize why those people were so down on the situation. Life is always full of surprises and the deer population, although it is one of my the things I find enjoyment in life through, in the grand scheme of things is very insignficant to other things in life so I will hunt as I have always hunted and just enjoy the time spent outdoors.
As for sightings though I have about 20 hours on stand with 0 deer seen at the moment so yes I think EHD has done its damage.