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Jesse's 2017 Hunting Debacles


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Good luck with the new info. It is frustrating I'm sure. Even so, if this was easy we would find something more challenging to push ourselves.


Staff member
My dad text me early Saturday while I was out of town in Cincinnati and asked if the plot I wanted tilled was my Corner Pocket plot. Told him "yep" and a few hours later, I get these two pics. He's got more on his plate than should allow for this type of service, especially since he and mom kept the girls Friday night and most of the day Saturday! If I can buy some rain in the forecast, this will get a 50/50 blend of austrian winter peas and Buck Forage Oats. The white oak that acts as the main scrape tree here is loaded with acorns and the crabapple on the edge of this plot is also loaded. I am likely ordering a camera this week to put here as I expect good things to happen in this corner this fall!




"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Looks great. I keep telling the kids us dad's are great and we know what we are doing most of the time. They just say 'sure dad'. LOL


Staff member
Made it to the farm today to get the seed down and drug in just before the rain set in. Also checked some cams, mowed off my clover plots and made it to a few of my sets to make sure everything was in order Going back out in the AM to finish up for the summer. Felt good to be outside today!


Staff member
Spent the better part of the day at the farm today putting the finishing touches on the platform blind, getting the "treecoy" installed, and trimming a few lanes on the two sets I didn't get to yesterday. Finished up the last stand today and I was soaked to the bone, steam rolling off of me, dirty as all hell and generally feeling uncomfortable, but I couldn't have been happier. Very thankful to have my own ground to do what I've done to this place over the last 12 years. I put in 10 hard hours of work in the last two days and it's as satisfying a couple of days as I've had in a long time. When it was all said and done today, I left the farm in the best shape it's been in under my control. Probably be a miserable season, but at least it went well on the habitat management front and I like that more than the hunting these days!

When I hung the cam down here yesterday, I realized how bad the blind looked after all the leaves fell off the brush I'd covered it with last year...


So I doctored it up with some red oak and cedar...


I am so please with this spot and cannot wait to hunt it come November. A decade ago, I put my first plot in here and it was a hardly able excuse for an oat plot. Thanks to dad's equipment purchases in recent years, I can do it right now. We've leased the field to a local farmer and my sanctuary (opposite corn and south of plot) went from 1/2 acre of legit cover to 3.5 acres since 2007. There are several large oaks around this perimeter dropping acorns already and traditionally, this corner has had a few good scrapes along the edges and I opened those up today. Access here on a southerly wind is flawless. Really, this spot doesn't have any weaknesses. It's a good a set on paper as I've ever had.

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