Of all the tools out there I think he is the real deal. Never watched his show, my opinon is more based on his writing. I am more of a doer than watcher.
When I see a "boner collecter" sticker I wanna choke somebody.
How about BC tattoos? See them all the time and it is all I can do not to yell "DOUCHE"!!!
Seen 3 so far. One is a nurse that works with Tracie and brags about poaching deer in WV and OH. Kills more than one buck in OH according to Mr. BC Doucher himself. The wife wants me to go paint balling with him. I think that's both a great, and horrible idea! Frozen paint balls anyone? lmaoOMG! I have not seen a tat yet. I would probably have to giggle uncontrolably right in his face!! I thought the stickers and whatnot were bad, but a tat? WOW! Just WOW!
I don't watch any hunting shows other than Midwest Whitetail, Major League Bowhunter and Heartland Bowhunter. Those 3 are easily the best shows on TV. I was a Drury fan boy for a long time, but their stuff is over produced since Matt got involved IMO. The rest of the hunting world is hard for me to tolerate now. My idols have certainly changed since I first started bowhunting in 2000. Now my biggest hunting idol is Dan The Man! And maybe Mountaineer... lmao
Years ago when The Outdoor Channel began, I was fixated on pretty much all. Anymore, it's all ho hum. Too many are out pimping something, and it's all edited, which is going to happen, but I prefer to get my kicks from ordinary guys posting their stuff on YouTube.
It is really a shame what hunting is turning into. It has turned into nothing but a competition between hunters for the biggest deer and the best equipment. Better equipment means bigger deer is what a lot of these guys are brought up learning. I see so much money wasted on the dumbest things. A man can kill a 160" buck with 2 pieces of wood and a flannel shirt and blue jeans just like a man can kill a 160" buck with a 320fps bow with mechanical broad heads and 2 rangefinders and 8 pins on his bow and scent block camo and scent killer sprayed all over himself over a pile of buck jam.
Is there anything wrong with the guy with all of the equipment? No. But will he ever be as good of a hunter as the one who does it without all of the un nessacary equipment in his pockets? No I do not believe so. He couldn't have put himself in the right spot to catch that buck cruising for does or a pinch between some bedding and food. because he was not taught that. He was taught to hunt Foodplots and bait piles because it is one easier and 2 more effective and 3 that is how he learned on tv. I am not bashing compounds rangefinders mechanical heads bait piles Foodplots or scent killer because I know they are helpful tools and I have nothing against them. I just wish some folks would learn to hunt and not rely so much on all of the aids. Hunting has turned into a big commercial. If you turn on the outdoor channel it is 99% of the time a commercial or a soap opera in camo. Show us the real deal. I wish I had the money time and cameras to put a show out that was the real deal. But 80% of the "hunters" would not get it or watch it because I would hardly kill anything lol.
My backwoods cousin must have gotten one of these channels recently. He lives in western NC. He could probably out hunt most of the TV guys. I know he could honestly live off the land. He is coming up first week in November to hunt with me. He is pumped because he has been waiting a long time to "hunt Ohio". Talks about the TV guys hunting Ohio and this buck and that. I keep prefacing to him "this isn't the norm. Most of these guys are on highly controlled land." I want to give him a good experience. Not sure what will happen. Just goes to show how the TV shows can skew one's perspective. Especially so if they are used to seeing deer the size of my dogs. I will be happy if I can get him a doe to take home for his freezer. He claims the same thing. I hope he means it. A doe for the freezer isn't even guaranteed, let alone a monster buck.