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Joined the Guard


*Supporting Member*
A friend of mine leaves August 6th for Benning. He also is in the Calvary Scout. He's really excited about it.


Staff member
Good luck. basic isnt bad just a lot of fuck wits that join that youll have to deal with.

I'd see this as the biggest hurdle for me. I'm a people person, but I hate people. If its a good crowd, I'm all about enjoying the company of others. But my tolerance for shit heads is ZILCH. I'm not very diverse either, so diverse crowds kinda get in my crawl TOO...
I'd see this as the biggest hurdle for me. I'm a people person, but I hate people. If its a good crowd, I'm all about enjoying the company of others. But my tolerance for shit heads is ZILCH. I'm not very diverse either, so diverse crowds kinda get in my crawl TOO...
Isn't that the truth! There is always one dumb ass that makes it rough on everyone. Like the rest of the guys said, tow the line and don't stand out and you will be fine. Thank you for your commitment and service!!