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Kawasaki Bruteforce 750 problems!


Junior Member
I hope someone here knows about ATV’s I have a 07 Kawasaki Bruteforce 750. It is carb. not fuel injected.

I use it for hunting, trapping. hauling firewood and working in the garden. I made a disk that I can pull disking the garden and food plots.

I have had a problem with it almost since it was new. When I am riding along at an even rpm. The engine will miss every few seconds. It is like it cuts out then starts running for a few seconds then cuts out again.

I think I read somewhere that there is a hotter ignition module or something. A friend at work said to get a hotter spark plug.

Do any of you know anything about this problem?



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
What kind of RPM's are you talking about???? Idle, or a little above, or any? What kind of fuel you running? Have you pulled the plug and looked at it or changed it yet? Could be a cracked or fouled plug.... Easiest and fastest fix start with would be a plug... NGK I would imagine is the stock plug used....


Junior Member
I don't know the RPM's. It doesn't matter how fast I am going. If I ease off the throttle just to maintain the speed it will start to miss. It will do it aprox. 3 or 4 times a minute. I run reg. gas.

It only has 600 plus a few miles on it. Last year in the fall the belt light came on so I took it in and had a full service done to it. It didn't seem as bad for a few miles after that but it has been doing it again just as bad as ever.

I bought the machine from my daughter in law when I was in GA. a few years ago. She worked at a motor sports place then. So when I take it to be serviced here I don't know if they like to do it.

Do you have a recomendation on a plug to use?


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
I have a 2010 750 Brute Force and love it. It is fuel injected however.

Have you drained the tank and fuel lines?


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I'd stick with the NKG, usually what is stock from the factory.... You may have a plug wire bad... Does it do it in neuteral too or just under a load?


Junior Member
It does it in when ideling also. What is NKG? I am about ready to take it back to the shop and have them tune it up and check it out.

I am not a mechanic when it comes to engines. But they didn't fix it last time.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
NKG is a brand of spark plug.

Exactly, it's a good running plug that comes stock in most 2 cycle motors and 4 stroke bikes... It sounds like you might have a bad plug wire but without being there to look at it I'd be lieing if I said that was it for sure... Sometimes at night if you take it out and put a load on the engine and look at where the plug wire goes from the plug to the coil you can see some arcing against something to show signs of it grounding out and it will let you know which plug wire is bad... I've seen plug wires that look like a neon bulb at night...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Is it a miss or bad idle? Sometimes a good carb cleaning is in order. Seafoam directly in the gas line (a few ounces). Let it sit for about ten minutes. Start back up and let it run for a bit. Or pull the carb and give it a good cleaning. "J" lknows his way around a wrench I do believe :)



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Seafoam is a very good product you can dump.it in the tank or spray it in the Carb... I like to spray it in the Carb a few time where it almost stalls the motor then after two or three times stall it and let it sit for ten minutes then start it up and run it hard for about a half hour usually cleans it out pretty good......


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Not sure if you got it fixed yet or not, but i have been MIA with the snow. NGK brand spark plug is a great place to start. If it is just a miss, then I would not think the carb is the issue but you never know. Could have some crap floating around occasionally blocking the jets. Draining the float bowl is not hard to do, although access might not be easy on a quad. If the plug doesn't do it, then checking all grounds is another thought. Not real familiar with the Bruteforce. Spuratic hiccup in the ignition? Is this 2stroke or 4stroke? V-Twin or a big single? Could be a simple timing issue if a twin or even a single I guess for that matter. Anything computer controlled on there? I think even the newer quads have a computer or brain on them any more. Might be called ECM or something, but basically a brain box. Just some thoughts.


Junior Member
Im back. Just checking in. I haven't done anything with it yet. But it seems to be missing worse. I think I will take it to the shop and tell them what is wrong. Not a mechanic.