Spence... Great story about my association with Frank Piper owner of Penns Woods Product's... I TOO loved their diaphrams but could not find any in Jersey sport shop's.. So one day opening day of Pa. firearm buck season I'm taking off my boot's on my tailgate and noticed the truck parked next to me had a "PENN'S WOOD'S" sticker on the window. shortly after that a guy walked over to the truck and we started to chat... Turn's out it was Frank Piper owner of Penns Wood's... So I told him I was having a hard time finding his calls.. He took my address and a couple day's later I got a BIG box in the mail loaded with 2 or 3 of every one of their call's. 2 dozen of EACH of their diaphrams... PW1,PW2-PW3 and on and on... No invoice in the box???? I called him and he said my gift to you... So I said send me some invoices and catalog's and I'll see if I can get some stores here in Jersey to carry your product.. My first order I sent him was for 15 different stores... He was like WOW... So I did some seminars and trade shows for him for a couple of years... He was TRULY AN OUTSTANDING GENTLEMAN..... May he Rest In Peace...