Outstanding! The hunt, the setup, the deer, the shot, the video, the editing, the music. . . . . You nailed it Dale! Great job!
Great video and nice buck. I noticed on the way in you were carrying 2 bows. I assume the second bow was for your cameraman.
Was that some Deadmau5 for the music? I think I recognize that beat unless its something you cooked up. There is another DJ that comes to mind, but I'm drawing a blank on his name right now.
Really great job all the way around...fantastic work and great shot too...and thanks for not going all Stan Potts on us...:smiley_coolpeace:
To kill one off the ground like that?
Absolutely...This is really my first year bowhunting and one of my hunts earlier this year, I just stood next to a tree that had a split trunk and helped break up my outline pretty good...my scent was covered pretty good (I had a doe come in from behind me at at about 5 yards)...and I thought that was way better than climbing up a tree....next hunt, I had a good shot opportunity at 30yds but missed high....after that, I put my stand up and have used that for the last couple of weeks...Guess I was just curious to know how long it took you to put a plan like that together for that deer?