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Knife with a ferro rod


*Supporting Member*
This post is partially to see if I've figured out how to post pictures from Joe's tutorial.

Thought you might like to see the knife I got this year. It's made by a guy named Bryan Breeden that makes survival knives of different kinds. He uses O1 tool steel for the blades. This one has a squared back edge on the blade to be used with the ferro rod that screws into the handle. When the ferro rod is in the handle, it is flush with the steel you see at the base of the grip. I like knives.



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Way cool! How much do the knives run? And where can we find ordering info?


*Supporting Member*
They are anywhere from $30 for the small PSK knife on goinggear.com (it fits in an Altoid tin as part of your small survival kit) up to the upper $100's for the ferro rod knife. He is a good dude that I got to know as he was making this one, but after trying to do some research for you, I realized he likes making knives more than he likes running the business. His old website (breedenknives.com) is now expired. He's got a myspace account with contact information (http://www.myspace.com/breedenknives). You can see some of his other knives on bladeforums.com and knifeforums.com. He's got some good ones.

He's a lumberjack a lot of the year and makes knives in the off season.


*Supporting Member*
Right handed. I tried for a while to figure out why you asked that and I am guessing that it is because there are no burn marks on that side of the knife in the picture. I wiped it off for the pic. Am I right on guessing what was going on in your Matlock brain?:smiley_chinrub:


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Right handed. I tried for a while to figure out why you asked that and I am guessing that it is because there are no burn marks on that side of the knife in the picture. I wiped it off for the pic. Am I right on guessing what was going on in your Matlock brain?:smiley_chinrub:

You're holding the knife in your right hand and taking the picture with your left...

Operating a camera takes more refined motor skills than just holding something, so most would use their dominate hand to take the pic...

That is all.. Don't worry about what goes on in my head... It'll make ya nuts just thinking about it much less knowing. I try to figure out the same thing when i see a topless chick. Left or right handed? hmmmm

And for some reason since 06:30 this morning i've had this song stuck in my head....

The Chimmunks singinging Christmas don't be late.... WTF! I Just woke up that way... Dang...