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Las Vegas Shooting


Dignitary Member
Staff member
One more and I'll leave it alone...

Prediction - I bet this guy was a left wing radical that was shooting "Trump Supporters" being it was a country concert series.
Almost willing to bet thats the case. Most times it's either a muslim or a liberal. The media will spin it as retaliation for the white supremast attack in Carolina. They'll imply that the reason he snapped was due to the increase in white nationalism and the alt right.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Exactly my thoughts. Didn't sound like an AR. But he did have 8 rifles set up so it could have been different types. This has been planned a long time. Foresight enough to be able to have a room across from a huge venue that had been sold out for a while now. Had cameras set up so he could see LEO coming (ended up shooting himself when he saw them in the hall).
with that many Firearms I'm sure an AR was in the mix. There are also reports of individuals seeing a blinking strobe light in the window of the hotel the past couple nights. If that's the case he was doing ground recon also.

The most troubling aspect of these attacks is they're obviously getting smarter about how to inflict mass casualties. A high vantage point of indirect fire from a distance into a large crowd removes all skill and guarantees large casualties. And what most people don't understand is theres absolutely no way to prevent this. In times of craziness and crisis we always look for something to blame or something that could be done that would prevent it. In reality there's absolutely nothing that will prevent the lone wolf attack.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
The only thing that could have prevented it would have been pure luck. Someone seeing something not right and reporting it.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Never let a tragedy go to waste. Already, the gun control push is flowing on social media. He could've also rented a box truck and drove it into a crowd. He could filled it with explosives and detonated it. There's a million and one "what ifs" that can be made. This is a disgusting tragedy and I pray for our country. Our nation becomes more divided each day. It's just sad that this is the world we live in.


Dignitary Member
Staff member




Junior Member
Somebody "turned" this guy. His own brother said he never knew him to own more than a handgun or that he stored in a safe. Guess we just never know. The anti-gun crowd will stop at nothing.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
This thing had too be in the planning for months to get it all together....
His brother was quoted as saying he only had a handgun that was always locked up.... Lots of questions with few answers so far...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
This thing had too be in the planning for months to get it all together....
His brother was quoted as saying he only had a handgun that was always locked up.... Lots of questions with few answers so far...
His brother doesn't seem to know shit. Says he was a multi-millioniar but those close to him said he was down on his luck. Brother said one gun....23 so far. Brother said he must have snapped...took months of planning for this. The concert had the hotels sold out, yet he had a room.

My curiosity in this is high about motive/views.

Last nut with a gun had a political agenda and was also white and in his 60's. He shot a Republican senator.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I've watched quite a few of the videos over the past two days captured with individual cell phones. One thing that stands out to me the most is the complete loss of rational thought once people are panicked. It was undoubtedly a traumatizing event for those present. And I can understand why such panic would happen.

There seems to be 3 types of panic responses.

The first are those who freeze and lose all cognitive ability, they screen random statements like "oh my god" and "whats happening"

The second group of individuals scream orders to others. "Get down" "don't move" "you can't go"

The third group are people who are not saying much, they appear to be moving with a purpose and are seemingly not phased by what other people around them are doing. They're bugging out.

In many of the videos you can hear multiple individuals yelling "everybody get down" "stay on the ground" these individuals fall in to group 2; group 1 readily listens to them. Both groups are oblivious to the fact that they're completely open and exposed. They have no cover or concealment.

In another video a cab driver who is well away from the gunfire is recording from his cab. The gunfire is a considerable distance, over a mile away but he cannot tell the direction in which its coming from. Suddenly a group of very panicked women and a guy jump in his cab and start screaming at him to go. The one woman is screaming about how everyone is dead, thousands of people, the guy is screaming at the cabbie to drive and get the fuck out of there. Its just panicked chaos. What they don't understand in their panic mindset is they have no idea where they are going or where the shooter is located. They're not currently in danger, but they could be moving in to danger.

I completely understand why people panicked, its in extremely traumatizing event. Whats difficult for me is to see such a lack of self preparedness.

Now being prior military or realize I have a unique perspective and have been through training and instances where actions under stress are put to practice. But I had no idea just how unprepared our civilian population was.

Evil is not going away, no matter the laws we pass or what we try to do to prevent it. Deranged individuals will continue to exact evil upon people. This is the world that we live in. Recently a lot of schools universities in businesses have focused on active shooter training. The problem that I see with these is they're all focused on one location such as an office building. And most times the training itself is very policy driven. Such as, you lock this door and you hide here, and here is where you evacuate. While that may help individuals at that location it does not help them in other situations such as this concert. When shit hits the fan we always fall back on our training, it is instinctive. Policy-driven training in a workplace will not apply in their panicked mind. We have a dire need for personal protection training in this country. I'm not saying everyone should get there concealed carry, let's face it, that's not a fit for everyone. What I am saying is people should be trained on evasion, how to seek cover, how to rationally assess a situation, plan a method of escape, and execute that plan. They need to be taught situation awareness, while there's nothing they could have done to predict this shooter, situational awareness prior to the shooting is valuable. Locate exits, assess cover, minimize exposure, and have a plan for egress. We don't live in a Utopia, our personal security is not taken care of by someone else. It is sad that we have to deal with such evil in today's world, it is even more sad to see how ill-prepared we are to deal with it.


Black Hat Cajun
Supporting Member
You hit the nail on the head Joe.
My wife and I were watching some of the videos last night. I was watching in disbelief.

On one video I saw they were rushing out of a big tent. Looked like a hospitality tent or VIP tent. You hear people scream run and all these people start running out of the tent out in the open. I know they had no idea where the shooter was but to leave concealment to go out in the open just shows the lack of situational awareness. I was explaining to my wife why they should have stayed in the tent. Yeah it won't stop a bullet but you are at least out of sight.

We also talked about how people are taught that the first thing you should do is hit the ground and lay as flat as possible. You could see this same reaction in the video. Not the worst idea if the shooter is on the ground but being elevated they just increased his target size.

Like you said. The first thing you should do at any of these events is ask yourself what if and look around and come up with a plan. Only takes a couple seconds and could save your life if shit hits the fan.