Pros: You have a set contract that outlines what you're permitted to do and when you can access the property. Nothing worse than investing into property that is not your own and you get the boot. Next best option besides owning.
Cons: leases tend to attract trespassers, especially outside of deer season as the locals assume the lease holders live far away. This can really get to some folks, but at the end of the day there's very few properties that do not get trespassed. A landowner that assures you his does not, most likely just isn't aware of them. Depending your source of the lease and how large the tract, is they can be pricey.
Advice: Get it directly from the owners, getting from a 3rd party sub-leasing agent is the worst. You will pay $20-30 minimum per acre. These leases also have the worst terms as well. Look into the investment companies that manage the leases for the timber companies. That is where you will find tracts around the $10-15 an acre price point and you will have the freedom to run it pretty much like you own it. If you see one, don't sit on the fence because they will be gone in a hurry.