Why can you remember parts of some dreams and not all your dreams and why in a dream when you with a chick and it gets real hot and then you wake up?
Why is it, when you're drunk, keeping only one eye open helps you see straight.
When I walk into a door or something cause I'm trying to see what your talking about, it's gonna be on you Cotty....:smiley_blackeye:
That's Right! Create another Mystery....And just why am I getting stiches at 3 am?:smiley_confused_vra
No! The Mayans didn't calculate leap year days, thus the Mayan date has already passed.
Why does my yuengling tastes like dos xx from a can tonight?
Don't drink TOO many we have to get up early! lol
Hoyt, get hammered and then throw up in the blind tomorrow morning. That seems like the trick for that property!
How does Dejavu happen?
Yeah, ya know when you dream something..and then it happens. It's usually little random moments.