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light arrow fans..


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Wow...no penetration what so ever? Whats he shootin a micro midas? Even with a light arrow he should have penetrated more without hitting the shoulder or other major bone.

I slowed it way down and he didn't hit high at all. Humpff...Elites suck :smiley_blackeye:



Dignitary Member
Staff member
Here is a video you should watch...


this is episode 9 ...watch about to the 10 minute 50 second timeline and look at this hit on this buck.... tekan heads(junk)... elite bow...

FYI he lives...

That's the one you were telling me about this weekend.. I looked at it, slowed it down, and took stills...

The shot is smack dab in the boiler room.. It's not even High like he thought (or said). Just the arrow IMO didn't have enough ass. Even if the head didn't open it should have still killed the deer.

Take a look for yourself..

Before Impact. (Note no spot on the vitals

Impact. Notice the spot right in the kill, the white blur above it is the fetching bouncing around

Look how much of that arrow is still sticking out. Notice it's still right in the boiler room not high at all


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Exactly what I did Jlope. I tried to see if the arrow went through and bounced back off the opposite shoulder blade. I couldn't tell. I have seen that before. Probably shooting IBO weight arrow...pfft.



Tatonka guide.
I know the guy that killed him a month later was shooting flatlines.. I THINK he was too but I am not for sure. As he is walking out you can see his arrow with the emblem. that arrow had a case of Noassatall...


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Makes me wonder though... You notice in the pic below the bucks upper leg is coming up as he drops, and the shoulder blade comes back.. I wonder if the leg bone and shoulder with muscle coming upwards like that has enough force to put friction on the arrow and pinch it to a stop. Kind of like a pair of scissors. Obviously with a heavy arrow it would be a moot point. But i wonder if it's even possible for the combo of pinching the arrow and muscle contraction to stop and arrow right now.. Something sure happened because he only maybe got one lung.



Dignitary Member
Staff member
Ah, I love deer hunting in HD!!! :D

What did you lock the thread for goober! You double clicked it didn't ya... lol...

As a mod if you double click the Envelope icon it will lock the thread.. I don't like it but don't know how to turn that off yet and make it where we have to select it to be locked... Not that we'll ever lock one. If you double click the title it will let you rename it.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
During the in-between footage, it looked like the one guy had victory arrows in his quiver... maybe not flatlines, but still a light arrow right?

To me it looked like the arrow hit bone. Any arrow would've gotten more penetration than that on a rib cage hit... even at IBO weight you'd think. You say the tekans are junk, but even "junk" would go through rib bones without a problem. I shot the tekan IIs for a few seasons and killed 5 deer with the same head, same blades... 5 pass throughs. I think he hit shoulder bone myself. The other guy got a pass through at 42 yards with flatlines... the first shot was definitely closer than that... had to have hit something hard.

What I don't understand is why those wing wangs let the deer set over night after the second shot. It was obvious from the footage that the guy made a perfect double-lung pass through. WTF???!! Go get the damn deer. Why risk letting 'yotes tear it to pieces overnight when it's easy to see you made a good shot?
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
But what bone could it have hit? You can see the impact spot. No bones but ribs there.

I don't think it hit bone on the opposite side either. Why? Well that looks to me like a perfect double lung. Even if. He head didn't open and it hit opposite bone it would have killed that deer.

Hell. Couple years ago in a hurry I grabbed a arrow out of my quiver, drew and shot in a matter of seconds. Never bothered to look at the tip. Yep you guessed it. I accidentally double lunged one with a field point. Killed her dead about 240 yards from impact.

I would like to know what they found when they opened that deer up above.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
But what bone could it have hit? You can see the impact spot. No bones but ribs there.

I don't think it hit bone on the opposite side either. Why? Well that looks to me like a perfect double lung. Even if. He head didn't open and it hit opposite bone it would have killed that deer.

Hell. Couple years ago in a hurry I grabbed a arrow out of my quiver, drew and shot in a matter of seconds. Never bothered to look at the tip. Yep you guessed it. I accidentally double lunged one with a field point. Killed her dead about 240 yards from impact.

I would like to know what they found when they opened that deer up above.

The way the deer was quartering away, it looks to me like the arrow hit the back edge of the shoulder blade. I don't know man, I just can't believe that a hit to the ribs at that distance only got a couple inches of penetration. That arrow he shot basically bounced off the deer. How the hell does that happen?... Even with a featherlight arrow?


Tatonka guide.
i think he hit the bone the back straps ride on.. i estimated 35 yards on sound of arrow and bow speed...maybe 30..I can believe that a bone hit can kill penetration... of the bone catches the blade and the blade is trying to slice it....it stops...the same reason a 2 blade rage will never make it through a shoulder blade...the point MIght make it but there is no way that 2 inch cut blades are standing up to that force without breaking..


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
I hope I get the same shot! I'll be postin my findings :smiley_chinrub: My arrow only ways 397 +/- grains.



Tatonka guide.
During the in-between footage, it looked like the one guy had victory arrows in his quiver... maybe not flatlines, but still a light arrow right?

To me it looked like the arrow hit bone. Any arrow would've gotten more penetration than that on a rib cage hit... even at IBO weight you'd think. You say the tekans are junk, but even "junk" would go through rib bones without a problem. I shot the tekan IIs for a few seasons and killed 5 deer with the same head, same blades... 5 pass throughs. I think he hit shoulder bone myself. The other guy got a pass through at 42 yards with flatlines... the first shot was definitely closer than that... had to have hit something hard.

What I don't understand is why those wing wangs let the deer set over night after the second shot. It was obvious from the footage that the guy made a perfect double-lung pass through. WTF???!! Go get the damn deer. Why risk letting 'yotes tear it to pieces overnight when it's easy to see you made a good shot?

been tryin to get the answer to this as his arrows are difficult to see...i would definitely narrow it down to victory and or the flatlines based on what i could decipher on the video. I am more leaning towards the victory shafts after looking at it again. from what i can see on my catalog i am going to guess 8 gpi about 28 inches long....total arrow weight around 350 is my guess...that bow really twanged loud IMHO so i am confident on my guess..


Tatonka guide.
well i read his bio on their website and it says he shoots trophy ridge hailfire 350's... not sure I believe he shot that at that deer given the arrow pattern shown on the hailfire's me thinks that what he is shootin now...they are 9 gpi