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lighted nocks

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
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Hardin County
Cant undersatand why. If they attracted deer like flys to chit, or made your arrow some sort of a smart bomb, guided missle I could see that, but it dosent help you kill anything.

Oh well, guess my name aint goin in the hoitty toitty book then. Cause I like em and I'm gonna use em.

I agree! It's not like you turn 'em on and stand up in your stand and why 'em around and say "come here you sum beech" and deer come running, never did understand it.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
For what it's worth, I never registered my deer from this year with the P&Y books. Why bother? You pay money for a piece of paper. So, using lighted nocks won't bother me either way.
I'm still on the fence by the way. I looked at them today. $20 for two of them. Sheesh! How about 3 like broadheads come? I forget what brand. It wasn't lminock. It was whatever they carry at Dick's.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Here's what was at Dick's



Tatonka guide.
i was just having fun with ya you old grumpy bastage...dang kids anyway. :smiley_baby::smiley_bril:


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
Not sure if they are as bright as the ones that Dante is referring to,

I think the burt coyotes are a little brighter, but the nocturnals are bright enough for me.

i was just having fun with ya you old grumpy bastage...dang kids anyway.

grumpy old bastage? you figured me out awful quick. took my old lady 10 years to figure out I was an old grouch.
my lifes ambition is to become a "crotchety old fart":smiley_clap:


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
I had some lumanocks and the Easton tracers, and the lumanocks are much brighter, but pulling the insert out wears them out eventually to where they don't fit as tight. The Easton tracers are nice because they are activated by magnet, but you have to use an adhesive to attach the magnet to the riser.


Tatonka guide.
Update....looks like I'm gonna be a cheater too...ordered some nockturnals..


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Good info guys, thank you. I was checking out the tracers yesterday at Dicks too Cotty, the weight is what really made me wonder about them. Being color blind and all, I hate hunting for arrows, especially with the fletching colors I have (came this way, too lazy to change). I think I'll be ordering some of the nockturnals at some point.

Anyone have any pictures with them after shooting a deer, or sticking in a target, curious as to how bright they are.


Tatonka guide.
5 cent i will try to get you some tomorrow. i need to throw a few at the target to be sure nothing has changed


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Adam, if you are worried about brightness, don't get the Easton tracers. They aren't bright at all, and this is coming from a fellow "blind" person.


Junior Member
NW ohio
I bought these the first year they came out and never notice any change in flight. I remember they were or are supposed to be like 50% lighter than other nocks at the time. Not sure if that's still the case. Lighted Nick's in general to me are just cool as shit to see fly.