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Live from Louisiana


Ragin Cajun.
Here we go. As stated earlier this morning, weather was the best we had in two weeks. Bridge just started to get passable without worrying about flooding out or being swept in.

We in the stands, I’m texting friends, seeing if they got any movement. Hunter said two deer passed under him 3 minutes before shooting time and we had good cloud cover and he was in heavy canopy and palmettos.

About an hour after daybreak, I see a deer down there by Dj. I text and ask him “doe”? He said no same spike as yesterday. A little while longer I look up and see a dark deer about 270 from me, which puts it 165 from him. Put Binos on him and see he’s an 8pt at the ears with decent tines. Dj hasn’t shot a deer in 4 years, he’s passed on deer but doesn’t hunt a shitload like me and hunter. I text him “shoot him if you like him”. He text back he’s kind of small and tines ain’t long. By this time the buck if feeding towards the spike and are side by side. I pick my rifle up, dial the scope up to 29x and I’m like damn I’d shoot that buck. Put my rifle down and text him “shoot that fucking buck”! He texts back ok cool... lol wtf. If I was 22 you would’ve already heard the shot.

So I’m watching through Binos and both deer are damn near touching. Finally the buck turns broadside and steps away from the spike. Crack-boom! I see smoke come out of my side on the deer. Deer bucks and runs in the weeds. I said you got him?! He said “squeezed him” lol never heard that before. Tell him congrats and text all my buddy’s hunting and even my nut buddy. Phone is blowing up and I tell dj to stay there as I want to hunt. Now every dad knows that’s not going to happen but I wanted to make him wait 30 minutes. Well 15 minutes felt like an hour so at 23 minutes I told him to go look for blood and track your deer. I’m always the one doing that, so I figured if I ain’t around he has to do it. So I’m watching him walk all over the plot and then walks in the crp. I’m nervous now hoping he made a good shot. Texted him and ask if he got blood, he replies yes.... not I got good blood, just drops are anything. So I’m sitting there he he text me “he’s down”. I’m like send me a pic and send me a nut shot lol. More texting w friends and I text him back are you dragging him out. He says yes almost to plot. I said drag him where we can see him.... bears will eat the fuckers if you let them lay too long. I no longer tell him that and look the other way and here comes a fucking “Monday”. A big boar.

I’m like I’m fixing to have to make a decision here. He goes in the weeds and I climb out the stand. Drive my atv down to him and there was no shrinkage for me. Dj walks up and I hug him, told him congrats and that’s a fine deer. He said it’s better than I thought. I took plenty of pics and we soaked in the moment. Loaded him up and make it across the bridge and I said shit we forgot to tag him. Put the tag on and loaded him up.....the rest is all memories and caping and icing meat down. Thanks for all the congrats. I wouldn’t trade that buck for a 200” double drop


Ragin Cajun.
Oh I forgot, I’ve been seeing tracks on the bridge that has been good buck tracks. It’s not far from where I park my truck. He beds in some nasty shit. So I put a cam on it when I had the atv troubles. Pulled the cam after the rain as I figured it would go under. Had this 8 pt on the pics at 8:30 pm for two nights in a row. Several other smaller bucks, does, coons and the big bear.


Ragin Cajun.
Great write up! You guys have a lot of bears down there! Is the season open? That one in the last pic looked like a trophy to me!!

No season on trash pandas yet. He’s big, been here since I bought the place 11-12 years ago. Couldn’t tell you a weight as I’ve never seen one dead and up close. We been hearing of a tag/lottery for private land owners but have yet to see it. Let’s just say some landowners are helping the balance.


Ragin Cajun.
Nice write up. Sure looks like a good'n to me.
Its awesome seeing you guys having such a great time!

Thanks we are having fun. I get frustrated after hunting hard and never seeing shooters. I can tell you this, buying my own land was the best purchase I have ever done. Big or small it’s a slice of heaven that I can pass on to my boys.

Hunter went home. Think deep down inside he was mad cause dj don’t hunt much and killed a good buck. But Hunter always trying to kill a public buck, it’s much harder. Then he will bow hunt here and have a shooter out of range.


Ragin Cajun.
Got a doe and her fawns out. Dj has same spike by him from this morning. Maybe I can kill ole mossy this evening.


Ragin Cajun.
Well we seen about 10 doe and same spike several times. Started to rain when shooting time ended. I always kill big bucks in the morning so we will see. It’s been a great day for me. Also fun sharing our journey with all of you. I will check in, in the morning...more fun to be had.
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Ragin Cajun.
It’s time for another hunt. It’s 43 degrees w a north wind about 8-12, heavy cloud cover. Me and dj are in same stands we been hunting. Haven’t seen any chasing but we are close. Anything can happen so come along and enjoy the ride.

Dj will be going home after this hunt as he has to work tomorrow. Unsure what I’m gonna do, all depends on the weather. Looks like the forecasted rain moved a day later. Good luck to any of you trying to get it done today.
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Ragin Cajun.
Damn I forgot to “open the gate”. Only four does showed up so far. I think 3 of them are fawns. Damn overcast days suck for deer hunting.