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Live from Louisiana


Ragin Cajun.
Well it’s official, I’m a bitch! Got up around 4 and stayed up until time to wake up which was 5. Didn’t have it in me to go hunting. I’m tired, don’t really have a spot, my stand is broke and I’m not really a saddle guy. Time to pack up and tuck tail and head home. Hunter is in the woods and hasn’t seen anything as of yet. 50 degrees and sunny, here I am with no gumption to do what I love to do. Getting old sucks. Tag soup is gonna be what’s for dinner more often than not from here on out.


Ragin Cajun.
So Hunter hunted yesterday as Dj and I drove home. I get a text from him and it read “I can’t fuckin win”. I text him back and ask what do you mean. He proceeds to tell me had a 130’s 8 broadside @30 yards. Arrow flew straight until a few feet from the buck and took a hard turn. I said you hit a twig or something. He says nope but after some time I tell him to shoot an arrow to make sure it’s not his bow. He shoots his blunt tipped arrow and says dead on. Then he sees the tiny limb. This is at two thirty.

After getting home at 10 pm after a 12 hr drive, dj and myself got up at 4 to go crabbing. Rough as all get out today and get a text from Hunter “got a decoy”. Again I text him huh? Then he says doe. Bedded or dead I ask. He said dead at 15 yards. He shot her and pulled her in range to finish the days hunt out. Then he text me 2 big shooters in the thicket where he lost his big buck. Nothing else showed up so he pulled his stuff and got the doe processed after dark. Guess where he will be in the morning 😂.

For the record I wish I was back in the tree. I’m back baby! Going to the camp for this weekend. Gonna shoot some ducks in the morning then sit in stand in the evening. Time to me getting back to me. Duck and rifle season opens Saturday.


Ragin Cajun.
Ninja was homesick! 🤣👍🏾
A little, missed the wife but missed Pearl a whole lot more 😂. Think it was the primitive camping and the grind. I get frustrated w bow hunting, really any deer hunting. I don’t have to kill just see deer from my stand. Couple days of sqadouch and I’m tired of it. I’m a duck hunter at heart, love action and interaction w my buddy’s while hunting. Deer hunting is a loner sport.


Ragin Cajun.
Here is a couple pics of our hunting trip.


Ragin Cajun.
Woke up before my alarm went off, hour earlier 😂. We got ready and headed out to a known good wood duck hole. Got settled in and only seen like 6 ducks. One made the fatal mistake of flying too close and took the ride home. We need much more water, but did find a bunch of scrapes and rubs not far from where I killed the hogs early in the season. Best part of the hunt was a pic that Dj took that I didn’t know.

and while I’m typing this I look up and 4 does are headed to me in the deer stand across some ag.


Ragin Cajun.
Well everyone left to go home so it’s just me and my girl (Pearl). Hot as two rats fing in a wool sock. Guess I will go sit the stand next to the field and watch some does and fawns. Really hoping to get a crack at a yote, that’s why I sit there mainly. Guess I need to ride around and do a card pull and change batteries in one cam. Yeah, that sounds like a plan. Will report back tonight, most likely w the same boring shit!


Ragin Cajun.
Ok had 5 out early after doing a card pull. Then one of the black mofos kinda comes out and they gone. Couple came back but seen around 20+.
Checked cards and got a new buck that I don’t recognize.

So I guess in the morning we gonna try for a limit of wood ducks.


Ragin Cajun.
So made the evening sit. Right after sunset I look down and what I thought was a giant doe. Then another steps out all about 220 yards, it’s kinda dark w heavy overcast w misty rain. Then I thought it might be a couple small bucks. So my gun is behind me propped up on the jam of the door. Grab my gun, pop the scope covers open and put it out the window. First deer crosses, put on second deer that’s feeding and it’s “lucky”. He looked big and dark and heavy. Only on him for 10 seconds then the sky bust open and it’s pouring rain and he follows the first deer. Wow if I was trying to kill him, I’d never see him. But since I’m not he comes out on first hunt. He got a pass today. Hoping he makes it another year and we will revaluate what we want to do. I’m not made but would like me or the boys to kill a PB. Can’t kill a toad if you killing the tree frogs. Wish I could’ve watch him more w better light, wonder what the other deer was. Our rut is a month away so they still hanging together.