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Live From the Stand 2017.


Black Hat Cajun
Supporting Member
Congrats on the shot, but you could just go put another arrow in her and finish her off.

Just me but I'd have a hard time going and eating dinner knowing there was a doe suffering at my hand.
X2. I would definitely be looking to put another one in her. Especially if she dropped where she stood. Most likely a spine shot and needs another to keep her from suffering.


Black Hat Cajun
Supporting Member
I've had them get up and run off and never find em. I can't really get a good shot from where we were and the way she is laying. That deer will be dead in an hour
Approached her from behind. Get close enough to get another one in her. Sounds like the first was a spine shot. She could be expired in an hour or twelve with a spine shot.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
I've had them get up and run off and never find em. I can't really get a good shot from where we were and the way she is laying. That deer will be dead in an hour
I have no clue on the shot or the angle, but if truly just spine shot and no vitals hit she could lay there for hours.

Be prepared for her to get up and run as you approach her. It's already ugly, so what if there is another ugly shot to finish her off. You are doing everything you can to make sure this deer suffers as least as possible.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
X2. I would definitely be looking to put another one in her. Especially if she dropped where she stood. Most likely a spine shot and needs another to keep her from suffering.

Sure sounds that way. Hate to see them suffer. Hate to lose one. Bad situation to be in. Good luck to you and Liam.


Junior Member
The deer is dead guys. Thanks for the concern. I'm a pretty ethical guy and played things as I felt were best. Shot was fine. When I say wriggled I meant raised her head a little maybe a kick every ten minutes. She died in under and hour.


Junior Member
The deer is dead guys. Thanks for the concern. I'm a pretty ethical guy and played things as I felt were best. Shot was fine. When I say wriggled I meant raised her head a little maybe a kick every ten minutes. She died in under and hour.
Well how about them pics with the proud hunter


Black Hat Cajun
Supporting Member
The deer is dead guys. Thanks for the concern. I'm a pretty ethical guy and played things as I felt were best. Shot was fine. When I say wriggled I meant raised her head a little maybe a kick every ten minutes. She died in under and hour.
Wasn't trying to say anything different just from your earlier description sounded like a spine shot. Glad that it worked out. Congrats on the harvest. Look forward to seeing the hero shots.


Junior Member