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Live from the stand 2021/22


Senior Member
Constitution Ohio
Got right to my blind and ran into a flock of 3-500 Robin's. Wierd for sure. Hoping for the tall 8 but I need pieces and parts for my dog.....Hmmmmmm decisions- decisions.

Good Luck Everyone!
Since I’m quarantined I filled the feeder today. As I was riding through one of our fields I saw a handful of Robins. Strange times for sure!
Probably going to hunt tomorrow evening. Thought about using my daughters crossbow from the blind but I can’t get a broadhead to zero. It’s consistent but not where the crosshairs are located. So, I’m going to take all the pins off my compound but 1. Hoping that clears up my sight picture.


Senior Member
Constitution Ohio
Her sighting/you shooting being different is common. I did it in a bind once...aimed accordingly (only 25 yd shot) and it worked out. Whatever your choice...hope you zip one in the money spot!
I tried to adjust the scope but couldn’t get it to move far enough. Her husband could only get one bolt to work. I think he found a bolt that was off just right. I believe it’s a scope issue.
Just eliminated all pins but the 25 yard pin. My sight picture is much clearer.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hey Spence if you need a scope for that crossbow to try to see if it's actually the scope, I have a brand new one off I Center point from when I upgraded to a better scope... I can throw it in the mail tomorrow if you like...