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LIVE from the stand 2024-2025!

Clay Showalter

Southern member northern landowner
Guilford County
People really do suck, I hate to see idiots running around giving hunters a bad name.

for us we only saw some does, this 3 legged doe from last year is still making it. I will probably put her down, I would hate for her to suffer at the jaws of coyotes


Active Member
The Flatlands
Hunted this am with Nate. Didn’t see shit, neither did Eli. My dad slept in, big shocker. Once we got into some cell service, I got a text from Scott that he shot a buck. Nate and I met up with him, and it was in one of the deepest and steepest bottoms on this chunk of public we were hunting. It was his first buck ever, so we were all super happy for him. Bitch of a drag, but so much easier with handles 😂 Nate and I turned and burned home since I have no tags and he’s only got a buck tag for public now, plus we have 2 deer to get cut up. I have to rezero my rifle as well since it’s off by 2-2.5 feet, but we’ll get into that later lol.
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Staff member
Meandered around for 3 miles on Vinton Furnace yesterday and 3 more today on the Wayne. Didn't see a damn deer, but I did jump what sounded like a big buck this morning in a classic bedding spot, and he let me walk past him before bounding off when I stopped to listen. But I sure did see some pretty country. I sat next to a black oak yesterday and a white oak today that may be as old as America. Pretty fitting to do that on public land. I had moments of silence and solitude that only come from the big woods and it was worth every step to soak that in!



I was definitely in big buck territory today 😮




Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Half dozen shots throughout the morning. 2 were from me.
View attachment 202501One is for my brother and one’s for a buddy. Neither can hunt this season so I’ll add a little to their freezers. Button bucks are pussies!
Again, if you on the fence about getting a sled for dragging deer out? Do it, I drug them both out with very little effort, except for one hill. It was a little steep 😂
I will vouch for this. One we used this year was totally awesome vs alternative!
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Best of luck to you as well. Hopefully sitting out of the wind. It is at my back. NOT ideal but I'm in a three sided implement shed peeking around the corner. Not feeling any wind. Hope the deer don't pick it up. I did set some tarsal glands out. Hopefully stir some curiosity or piss off a buck to bring him in.

Did I mention "doe days" started today? At least on this property it did. I'd like to smell gun powder this morning. 😁
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