Beautiful morning. This pot-bellied acorn scarfin’ little bastard strolled in at 9:25, ate acorns within 5-15 yards of me for 55 minutes. I think fasting must make me unscented. He came in from sort of downwind, and I watched him cut my trail when he finally waddled off. Needs another year
Kevin- that's a great buck. If he is frequenting the area and you think you have a hot doe. . . Hours on stand. That is the answer. Gut it out. Put in as many hours as possible. He could be pretty random right now. At a minimum, I'd be there tonight. I'd be there an hour earlier than normal. Good luck buddy!
Just let a nice looking three year old 8pt walk by at twenty yards. Feeling all good about the experience and all. Took my water bottle from my pack enjoying a drink and the moment and a big ol doe cuts loose blowing and bouncing away from right behind me. Deer are sneaky bastards the fawn is still under me not sure what to do
This old fat bastard may just get an arrow, especially if he keeps coming around during legal hours!
There‘s been an uptick of chasing going on up there….
I’m in. Snuck within 40 yards of a button buck browsing in acorns and green briars on my way in. He fed into 15 yards and offered a beautiful broadside shot. It took every single ounce of what self control I had to not shoot him. Got some cool video, and figured it was a solid start lol. We’ll see. Good luck to anyone else out.
Ended the evening with a metric fuck ton of squirrels, and a single heavy footed deer that never got into view. It’s thicker than hell, so they gotta be fairly close to see and shoot em. Action is action.
Was about to sen an “I’m in” update and saw my target buck coming in at 40 yds. A smaller buck and fawn were coming in off the field as well. Unknown deer out in the field starting blowing and they mosied off. Definitely not blowing at me but he gone. Anyway, “I’m in”
That group of does smelled something they didn't care for as they got to the pinch & went down to another corner of lot. Second group of does came in, some of them in the rear were hesitant, but all passed thru. 9 deer so far. None of them looked my way, so I dunno.