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Live from the stand!

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Junior Member
Delaware County
Sat in the same stand as Sunday night and Monday morning, both of those sits seeing zero deer. This afternoon felt good though and I had 14 turkey's come by around 330 and a lone pair of fawns come in an hour before dark. 30 mins later I thought it was a squirrel rustling but it turned into eight deer. Five of them came into my tiny food plot while the others milled around in the brush. These woods are so thick you can barely see them until they're in the plot. They all acted really sketchy so I sat for twenty minutes as it got darker and darker waiting for a chance to draw on one of the two big momma does. Finally I got a chance and drew but my bow made a noise when I hit the back wall on the draw and they all bolted into the woods like it was a gun shot. I don't think they knew what happened but that's the third time I've come to full draw on a doe this year and it hasn't worked out, second out of this stand. This is the same stand I shot the yote out of. It was great to see some deer and turkey's but was still frustrating.
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Columbus, OH
Sat in the stand this evening. Seen a what would have been a shooter buck for me but he only had half a rack. Would have been around a 130ish 8pt if miss side matched. with lots of "junk" by his brows. Watch him for about 1hr bedded down at 75yds.


Senior Member
Gotta make this AM a good'n. I don't have permission to gun hunt by the LO talked to the gun hunters and they said they're fine with me hunting this AM. They're starting pushes at noon going till dark. They called me and said I could join them for the pushing but I think I'll stay outta the massacre. I'm thankful I get to hunt it but man this place is gonna get torn up good.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I slept in. Drove by the farm we will be hunting this afternoon, saw 4 antlerless being chased by dogs. No other humters. Those dogs are getting on my nerves.


Senior Member

Health nut sister asked last night when I'm getting her more venison. You're welcome sis.


Staff member
Got up at 4:30 to duck hunt. Our choice spot was froze up. Drove an hour north to our blind, it was froze. Headed home after sending a text in a group message that I should have went deer hunting. Pulled in the driveway 5 minutes later and see a big doe standing in the woods 110 yards from the back deck. Muzzy and vest were in the basement. I snuck around the side of the house and rested on the popular tree. 10 ring at 98 steps. She even ran down in to the yard and died 75 yards from the building! From the time I pulled in until she was hanging was 17 minutes. lmao

Tracie said she watched this doe run across the road and stop in the woods where she stood for 5 minutes before I pulled in. I'd say she got ran off the farm across from us. We've been seeing at least 12-13 different antlerless deer since gun season ended, so I don't feel too guilty about cherry picking. Better than shooting them off my main spots where numbers are still down. Not hunting, but it helps feed the family. I'm going to can most of her. Never done it before on my own, so I'm looking forward the process.


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Staff member
Thanks Phil. I feel very fortunate to have a piece of ground that is ideally placed for shooting does. And that we have plenty around. The biggest reason for the good numbers is the lady across from us. She owns 16 acres of thicket that borders one of the best farms in this area. When the does get pressured on that farm, they just hang out in the neighborhood. I've seen as many as 15 deer in one group since we moved in. I see anywhere from 4-7 routinely and up to 12-14 when they are really moving. Rarely see a buck though. First year we moved in here I had the Buckeye Cam wireless unit out back and captured one of the prettiest bucks (150" 8 with 12-14" 2s and 3s) I've ever had on cam literally 100 yards from my back door. That's the section of our woods that adjoins a contiguous block of woods that is 1K acres strong.


Black Hat Cajun
Supporting Member
Will be heading down to Albany this afternoon. Will hunt this evening and Saturday Sunday. Freezer is bare and my luck this year has sucked so if given the opportunity I will take a doe. The weather isn't looking TOO good but I will be out.
Good luck everyone.
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