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Live from the stand!

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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Klay is saying he wants to go, but I fear he won't last in the stand. A blind and heater is the way to do right now for the youngins. Not sure what I'm gonna do. Was going to take the evening off and let it calm down in that spot, but this is the weather I've been waiting for.
I'm sure I'll be there alone or with Klay.
I hope he does Rick! Nothing better than a swing and miss to make the base hit even sweeter! Good luck to you boys!

We are heading out to Mason's basketball game. I should be home shortly after 2 and am heading out immediately afterward. I cannot wait to see what comes around tonight! And I'm in the hot seat as Mason has decided to go spend the night with his Grandparents. I really, really wish he were going to hunt, tonight might be the night...

Man I will be thinking about you out there all evening now!! What was Mason thinking though?!?! Grandma make some pretty good cookies or something?!?!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Good Luck Everyone!
I have Braydon Dad in a ladder stand over-looking a smoking hot corn pile. Braydon and I are in a different blind watching a pile that has had major activity in last 3 days. First one to show made a mistake I am sure!
Elevated Good Luck goes out to you Brock!
And Cotty TOO!
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Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Saw 15 urban deer. Saw 25 more deer driving up to Richland Co tonight...I have never seem this many deer in a long time...Saw the last 10 does in Morrow County


Dignitary Member
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Stark County
Saw one doe, and 2 small bucks sparring. Nothing in range for my buddy. I should have dumped some corn a few days ago. They sure are pawing up the alfalfa field though.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
We seen at least 7 total last night (maybe 9) and 2 were bucks. Couldn't get a shot as the one Braydon grazed his butt would not hold still....rotflmao Wonder Why? One up on the hill was a descent buck but followed the crowd. There was plenty of corn for them last night and this morning, so hopefully we can cash in on this yet tonight!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Seeing them yarded up as well in my area. Huge "herds" of 6 and even up to 10 deer at a time. WOW! (With sarcasm.) In the past, yarded up deer were 20-30-40-60. Now it is 5-10. Very sad. Also sad is the fact I see them while working my butt off. Not that I care to tag another one. Would be nice to have a night with 6hrs sleep and a day I could take Garrett out though.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Klay is my trigger man today. May have made a mistake though. Came down to the stand early because they've been here early last couple evenings. Not sure he will last til crunch time now. Was hoping to cash in on early movement. Not sure the urgency to feed is there today with this warm up.
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