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Live from the stand!

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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
I wasn't able to make it. I almost didn't make it to the car. I couldn't breath the pain was so intense. Almost went to the ER, that bad. I'm watching for appendicitis.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Got out late this afternoon.... Actually evening.... Made it too the stand by 5:10 and settled in and watched squirrels chipmunks and had a couple of ducks swim by down the creek..... Started day dreaming and had a noise come from across the creek and here comes a BB..... Crossed the creek and walked right under my stand, went behind me and walked out the way I came in..... Gave him a pass as he's a future booner lol...... Good afternoon sit as I saw my first deer from a stand this season lmao.......
Well. Got in later than I wanted, about 4:30. Was sitting for about 40 minutes when I heard the sound of ATVs behind me. Seeing as the property behind me is only used by family and I, I got slightly annoyed. Here come 3 guys ripping through. Well luck has it and one gets stuck, so I get down and ask them if they knew who's property they were on. They give me that dumb "I know we're not supposed to be here look". I tell them that if I see them again, I'm calling the sheriff's office. They were actually very apologetic and cordial. Explained that the one guy just got a new quad and wanted to ride it. I just informed him that he was not to be on the property for any reason. They just left without other incident. So, pissy that they were riding right through a bedding area, I climb back into my stand. Thinking the hunt was busted, I just sat bad and enjoyed the scenery. Around 7:00 I look to my right and about 50 yds away there is a buck. A very decent 10 point at that, probably a 2.5 year old deer. He smelled the ground where I walked in (with Evercalm on my boots) and followed the trail right to my stand where he smelled my steps a couple times and just walked off. He has a couple years of growing to do, so he's a lucky deer today. Had no clue I was even there! Downwind too! What a good end to a bad start! Looking forward to the end of next week! Glad to see bucks moving towards daylight.


Junior Member
Finally got the upload thing figured out thanks to you guys. This button tempted me so many times but it was way more fun watching how he reacted to the decoy. I have the inside of the decoy rubbed down with evercalm and this button walked everywhere I did, he was actually bedded 70yds from where I set-up. I watched him get out if his bed as I was pulling my bow up.



Senior Member
Hopefully I can actually.get in a tree for a extended period of time soon. Starting Tuesday I'm on vacation till Nov 18


Staff member
I'm in my favorite tree with the perfect wind. You could pump gas all day and sit here in this wind without being winded. Hoping for a little cruising action, but I'm guaranteed a beautiful morning!


Senior Member
Went to track a friends deer last night. There was a good buck with some does in my bottom field. 5 miles down the road I saw a 130 ten point hovering over a doe in someone's yard. About 10" from their porch lol. On the way home I saw a 115 basket ten cruising hard crossing the road tung out.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Seen one before shooting light at 30 yards. It trotted past me responding to my buddies rattling 200 yards away. Couldn't tell size.
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