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Live from the stand!

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Senior Member
My heart says "why aren't you in the stand?" But my butt that's parked in this cushy recliner instead of on that 12"x20" piece of foam is saying " I'm glad the wind was kickin this afternoon. Haha


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
Seen 5 does and a little 6 point put my buddy on other side of farm and he's seen 7 different bucks chasing he said nothing worth shooting tho.got some monster rubs showing up near my stands just gotta be there when he comes thru.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
My heart knows better than to be yelling at me to be out. First time getting up early AFTER the time change & then working outside later on just did me in. I'm glad it is too windy. I'm not looking forward to that alarm going off at 0415 again, but it will be done.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
J, no it's a different property.

I got run out of the stand around 4:45 by kids on the opposite hill who decided today would be a good day to drag a big blue tarp through the woods, saw some trees, and build a fort.

Relocated to the opposite side of the property and had to get into a blow down because it was too late to try to get to my other stand there.

From 100 yards off, I caught a glimpse of a buck under my stand. Not sure how big. Just a glimpse of a rack right at dark. I'm a little irritated.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
If I could go in the morning I sure would. Rain and wind is going to be laying down by 2am. I am going out in the afternoon though.

Good luck to all in the AM.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Feeling cagey today. Snort wheezed at the dog on the way out the door. Good luck all! In the blind.


Participation Trophy Winner
Good luck out there this morning!!! Dang work and meetings and stuff.
Playing Big Game hunter on the XBOX in a conference room, discussing how to make it real world. Does not count as "working".

Good luck out there for anyone getting out today.
Chilly and already saw a little doe running around. Sitting here at s "staging stand" until I move my climber to intercept the big boy later. Good luck guys! ImageUploadedByTapatalk1415189671.286482.jpg


Senior Member
We're back in the stands bright and early this morning. Man it's nice not to have that wind. Had a doe under my stand at 6:30. Hoping to lay one down today on our #2 farm. Good luck to everybody out there. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1415190340.291308.jpg


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Knock that bruiser down Blue ! I decided to sit in my Barronett popup. First time inside it since I set it up back on the day we came home from the bow shoot. It's set up in my yard overlooking the opposite side of the thicket I've been watching. At least I can get wifi...lol.

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Staff member
Seen two does and a BB fawn so far. I can hear grunting in the bedding area. Both does walked all around my tree. If something trails them, I'm in good shape.


Junior Member
Cincinnati Oh
Nothing seems to be working just yet in ky.. Tried it all the past few days with no results.. Rubs and scrapes are starting to appear.. Hopefully it will kick in soon, gun season opens on Saturday for 3 full weekends.. Here is my view today:
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