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Live from the stand!

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Senior Member
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Fuggin day late. I knew I was gonna be able to get out tonight. Been seeing 12-16 deer with 3 shooters the past few days by a couple of my stands. I was so excited driving out there. While walking to my stand I figured out rather quickly that the damn trespassing coyote hunters went through there this morning. I'm glad they get after them but they have no damn regard for the law. I'm the only one with permission for this section but for some reason, snowmobilers and coyote hunters dont abide by property lines around here.

Anyway, I did see one deer way back in the woods heading to the winter wheat by my other stand. May wait til after this weekend to set up my cams again. Sometimes I feel like just giving in and dumping piles of corn out to fill my buck tag


*Supporting Member*
They do the same shit round here . Coyote hunters feel like they have a free pass to go wherever they want . I'd rather deal with the yotes than the yote hunters


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Really? This is a problem? Are they running dogs or callers? All the coyote hunters I know are legit, unless they see one running across a field...then you better hold on because they are about to lock the brakes up and bail out with a rifle in hand.


Senior Member
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Thats the whole game around here. One or 2 guys follow the rack wherever it goes while a dozen trucks surround the block with rifles willing to do whatever it takes. They go get them dead really good around here, but there's never a chance to hunt unpressured deer in the snow. Any fresh powder and theres always a crew out and they do not care if your in the woods or not


Thats the whole game around here. One or 2 guys follow the rack wherever it goes while a dozen trucks surround the block with rifles willing to do whatever it takes. They go get them dead really good around here, but there's never a chance to hunt unpressured deer in the snow. Any fresh powder and theres always a crew out and they do not care if your in the woods or not

I don't really have a dog in this fight and understand all sides of this argument, I hear this argument with all hunters of different game, all with personal agendas. Just not enough woods/fields anymore. Feel like sometimes we all just need be a little more understanding, but this is easier said than done .I have blown up on a father and son, who literally ruined a my bow hunt 5 or 6 years ago during the rut, they knew what they were doing and didn't care, sort of glad they got to their truck before I could get out of my self climber. I'm not saying any of you are this extreme or upset, just saying ruined hunts can get to the best of us.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I agree completely, I don't run dogs or coyote hunt until after deer season, this way if dogs, hunting buddies or myself get off boundaries a little bit, its typically no big deal.

I would never be mad at anyone for just hunting. But, maybe just in my area, it seems that the yote hunters and snomobilers who wouldnt dream of going in a woods after deer will go in there after yotes or on a sled without the slightest bit of inhibition.



Good luck everyone!

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