I was in the stand from 8am-dark. Missed a nice 8 point 20 minutes after I got on stand. Saw a real nice 10 chasing a doe 80 yards away at 10:00, never got an opportunity. At 11:30 I got down from my millennium and got my climber off the tree 50 yards to the south of me and climbed up a tree that would give me a better shot if a buck came out of the bedding area. I was also situated in the middle of the woods to intercept the bucks I've seen coming through to check the doe beds at the south end of the woods. Go figure, at 4:45 a small buck comes in, goes to the scrape that's 20 yards in front of where my climber was, and another nice 8 (probably 130") follows his same path, grunts or bleats couldn't bring him back. Then at 5:05 some assholes on the next property over must of shot a deer, they were walking through the big doe bedding area with lights having a conversation so loud that I could hear them from 100 yards. Then every deer that was left in that bedding area came hauling ass past me, fuggin assholes. Back at it in the morning.