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Lone Wolf Sticks


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Good tips guys, keep 'em coming...

I'll be using the LW sticks for the first time this season, so this thread has been pretty helpful in shortening the learning curve. I've been using a climber for over a decade, and only started hunting hang on stands a few years back. I can imagine losing the climber for good once I get more comfortable with the LW / hang on system.


Junior Member
One thing that Ive been using with the lone wolf stick and stand combo.....and dont think it would be possible to live with out is a retractable hoist rope, Ive had the same one for about 3 or 4 years, Not sure the brand, bought it at the Iowa whitetail classic, its a very quality made hoist. But it stays attached to my stand and before I climb i attach it to my bow and pack. Once in stand I hoist it up. If I was to just use a rope i think it would get tangled all the time.