No way can an outfitter call themselves a 'fully guided hunt' if they are out hunting themselves. Whether it's one client or 10 you are there for their beckon call. What happens when one of your hunters gets hurt and you are in a treestand and have to take a half hour or more to get to them because you have to get out of your stand and over to them. A true outfitter would be waiting at a moments notice to come to that hunter(s). That's what you do after you get them to the stand and you have nothing else to do....because THAT's what they paid for!
Cell phones make it very easy to be on call at a moments notice. Especially if youre hunting only a few miles away. Fully guided means stands hung, help too and frow, meals and doing everything you can to make their hunt the best experience possible. If you don't think your outfitter would do that.....I wouldn't hunt with him. Not that they are sitting in the truck waiting on you to call. If if this was the case....what hunter/property would they attend to/or stage at? IMO, a small guide with only 2 clients would be more capable of giving fast service????? Right?
Just do your homework cause their are a lot of crook outfitters in Ohio. And as's not regulated by the state.
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