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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Huge Deer Farm..... Buddies, Beer and Strippers. Not gonna make much on the deer for a year or two, but we're gonna have a good time for a minute!
I always joke at work with guys about this. One day we are all discussing what we would do with 300 million. Everybody is going around talking about what they would buy. I'm not saying anything and one of the guys ask me what I would do. I quickly say "Give my wife half and tell her to beat it." I think one guy fell out of his chair.

In all seriousness I would do everything I ever wanted to do. Definitely travel the world and explore all the places that I would have always dreamed about visiting. I've always wanted to scuba dive the great barrier reef, that would be my first stop. After traveling I would do my bucket list hunts. Alaskan moose hunt, New Mexico Elk hunt, Spring snow goose hunt in the dakotas, Stuttgart, Arkansas duck hunt in flooded timber, etc. I would also like to buy a farm here in Ohio, substantial enough size that I could incorporate a deer management program. It's not much, right?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
How much are we talking here? $1mil? Try to turn it into 2mil. $5mil? try to turn it into 10mil. $30mil? Try to turn it into 60mil. Let's face it. I am a worker bee and I am goal oriented. It isn't about the money. All this would do is give me bigger dice to roll. I think you have to issue bigger challenges to yourself or you are going to go nuts. Once you achieve the first goal, you better have a second one ready and a third. If you achieve them, you better have a big big big goal ready in the end. Might be to grow your $5mil into 50mil and do some good with it. Might be to setup your friends, family, future generations. Most likely though, you are going to run into some unexpected challenges. Pretty amazing to watch someone like MC Hammer become a multi millionaire, then declare bankruptcy but it happens often.

Either figure out a plan to put it to work or figure out a way to get rid of it. Money is the root of all evil. Good Lord will never give you more than you can handle though. Not so sure about the Devil. He might.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Damn Joe, you been thinking about this shit much? :smiley_clap: That's hilarious rotflmao

I always tell the wife I'd hire a divorce lawyer to file the papers, the first time I told her that she was pissed rotflmao Then I proceeded too tell her "honey you're going too be too rich too be putting up with my shit"...... rotflmao :pickle: rotflmao
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
"Pack your bags Honey, I hit the Lottery"
"Shall I pack Winter Cothes or Summer Clothes?"
"Pack Em' ALL.........Your Outta Here!"


Junior Member
i would race nascar
have a lot of hunting ground
take care of my family
boob job for the wife
race and hunt as much as possible
oh and a golf course and race track for making more loot


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
I could finally afford that penis shortening surgery. Don't know what I would do without a callus on my mid thigh...