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Lucas County trespassers


The signs just say "NO HUNTING", I'm going to add to "VIDEO SURVEILANCE" in the space provided on the sign. We'll see if this works...I just want to see the deer back on the property.


Junior Member
We have had trespassers a few times. Once my grandfather caught a guy in his (my grandfathers) climber. He was on the quad checking for a cow he thought might be calving. He happened to have the chainsaw with him as he neared the halfway mark through the tree the hunter was close enough to the ground he jumped outta the stand. Another time people were driving the deer on quads after seeing them twice my grandfather drove a few nails through a 1x6 and placed it right on the trail. After that people have stayed off for the most part. We have an understanding with the neighbors that we can cross fences to retrieve deer and if we have a wounded deer cross a fence we can shoot it on their side, they don't hunt and don't allow hunting any further than that. When they see trespassers they call the GW and the sheriff, once heard our neighbor jacked a guys truck up an took a guys tire off so he couldn't leave until the law showed idk if that's true though. I'd have the land owner report it a couple times and eventually the law will watch ur property for trespassers. You can't get away with the stuff my grandfather did anymore and if you confront em they could get hostile.


Thought about all different ways to to prevent the trespassing...signs are somewhat working...saw one set of tire tracks during the week and they seem to be coming from the neighbors place of all places...I even had a talk with his daughter and wife (passing each other on the drive) about calling the police if they see anything suspicious and now I think some of the trespassing is coming from his property...I don't think he is the one driving around there at night though.

I don't want to hurt anyone or cause any kind of damage to anyone's property (even if they are trespassing), I just want people that aren't suppose to be there to stay out. I'd rather use my cameras for the deer but might have to use them for trespassers instead.

My wife and I are/were actually looking at buying one of the parcels in this area and building a new house there, so I REALLY want to stop the trespassing now.


Here's a good story to go along with the troubles you have been having bthompson1004! The property owner used the DLC Covert Special Ops Code Black, a cell phone type camera to catch these trespassers on Christmas day.


thanks Big Holla, this is what I have been thinking about...and the exact thing I want to see happen...no confrontation and let the law handle it!!

black flash or black out camera, or IR (either one hung higher up)...but definitely would need a good camera like the one you mentioned for the highest resolution pictures I could get.

The landowner has mentioned putting up a camera himself but not sure if he has done so or not...wouldn't hurt for me to put one up for trespasser patrol though
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Senior Member
Here's a good story to go along with the troubles you have been having bthompson1004! The property owner used the DLC Covert Special Ops Code Black, a cell phone type camera to catch these trespassers on Christmas day.


oh man that's hilarious! I love the last pic especially. And what's great is if they see it and take it down you still have the pic of them. The only way around it is if they see it and shoot it before it gets a pic but that's unlikely.