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Made it out tonight with my son


*Supporting Member*
What a great hunt we had tonight. Zach and I made it out for an evening hunt behind the house. The weather turned out to be perfect for a squirrel hunt.

We headed out around 4:30 on the quad. I wanted to hit the property line to the east that we had just cleared. I was thinking the deer might start using it a little more once we made it more accesable to them. Sure enough there was a big ole fat doe when we crossed the culvert pipe. After we watched her walk away we continued back to a spot before the hardwoods starts and parked. From there we continued on foot and made our way to a stand of hickories. It didn't take long and we had squirrels cutting all around us. I took the first shot at a grey and missed. Chambered another and missed again. Now keep in mind I have shot quite a few squirrels this year with only one miss. I started thinking about when I could have knocked the scope or gun around and do remember an incedent with a sapling. I tried on more shot with another miss and decided Zach's gun had to do all the shooting tonight.

He made his way over to me and dropped the grey on the first shot. His first grey squirrel ever in the bag! We retreived it and it wasn't long before we had another cutting close to us. As we were stalking up Zach walked about twenty yards in front to my left. I was watching Zach and the trees above him when i caught movement. Within seconds a coyote was coming out of the clearcut and into the woods. I noticed Zach was looking up and not seeing the yote. I tried to say something without spooking the yote but it didn't work. The whole time that sucker was all of 15' in front of him. The yote took off after hearing me whisper very loudly, coyote, coyote, coyote about ten times. It was so thick that Zach never did see it.

With the yote gone it was back to the bushy tails. Didn't take long and Zach was on another grey and dropped it like a bad habit!

While he was gutting the first two I spied a fox squirrel and grabbed Zachs gun and made my way over. I was close to having a clear shot at him when I spied a black squirrel sitting up on a maple limb. Victim number three was down for the count. The fox squirrel quit feeding and it was quiet for a few minutes until another grey started barking at us. Zach picked him out in no time and we had number four on the ground. This sniper stuff sure is cool!

Our tally when we decided to come home for some chili was three greys and one black, and a hell of a good time together in the woods.

I thank God for having such a good son to enjoy this with.



Senior Member
Nice work. Too bad you couldn't whack the yote! How many squirrels have you shot this year?


The Crew
Swanton, Ohio
Careful what you wish for! I've been known to accept invitations as far away as Ashtabula....

If you wanna kill skerls you are welcome to come up here and kill all of them. Small woods but it is loaded with them. I don't care to eat them so we don't kill them.

BTW Nice shootin' Badger!!
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