The activity at my cam sites has really slowed down. I am hoping a couple of the bucks at my daughters stand show back up. On the bright side, a new decent 10 showed up at my dads spot. Seems like every year there is a whole slew of young 1.5 and 2.5 year olds with potential at this spot. Somehow I never see them get bigger though.
Nice pull Marcus! The big boys be peeling right now but they'll be back soon! Keep it up, I got a feeling you both are going to have another special year! Good luck buddy!
Checked the cam at Layla's stand this afternoon. I am fairly certain the first buck is the one she hit in the shoulder opening day last year. Based on the rack shape and that he is messed up on the left side makes me believe this is him because she hit him square in the right shoulder. I would love her to get a shot at him. He has shown a couple times recently in daylight.
I also slipped back in the strip mines and checked a cam today. I ended up getting my first ever bobcat pic which was pretty cool. I also had pics of an odd racked buck.
Very nice Marcus. That strip mine buck looks like he has some great mass. Would be cool for the little lady to get some redemption. Great to see the buck survived.
I dig that funk racked buck! Be cool to see her close the deal this time. The bobcats are running wild it seems. Three years ago it was rare for anyone here to get a pic, now they're more common than yotes some weeks.
Dang dude, Got to love those fugged up racks.
Wish we had some on our property, Most of ours are nice neat almost perfect.
Would like to take something all messed up.