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Missing the opener!!!!!!!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Well fellas I have been MIA for a little while, only being able to stop in for a quick peek here and there. The past 2 weeks have been absolutely crazy mad busy. My cousin and I are starting the transition of ownership in our fathers business. We are the third generation and are trying things to generate business. One of the things that we are doing is setting up booths at local fairs. We are currently running through a week and a half straight of it. Last Wednesday the Bellville street fair started. We where there till Sat. and then setup Sun. morning for the Ashland County fair which is where I will be through Sat. So I have been working through the days and working the booth in the evenings. This has made for some very long days and I can not wait to get into the woods, and enjoy the peace and solitude of the nature that I have so grown to love. Unfortunately the responsibility of this booth is working the last day of the fair which is Sat. This will be the first opener I have missed since I started hunting 13 years ago. This is a streak that I hate to see come to an end but I can't really figure a way out of it.

So with all of that being said be sure to think of me while you guys are out there on Sat. and be sure to post up some stories so that I can live my opener through you guys.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
Sorry to hear that Steve, but the first weekend is usually over-rated anyhow other than working out the kinks.

I don't think I will be putting much time in either, the son is in a soccer league on Saturday mornings from now till Oct 23rd. I figure I better go to the games early in the season so there might be a chance to get out of going later in October.


Senior Member
Sorry to see that Hoyt, I hope things are working out on the business end of things!


Junior Member
Canton, Ohio
Dude that stinks...but taking care of business comes first, so you have your priorities straight.

If you don't mind me asking what's the family business?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Well, that just sux eggs. Hate to see your streak broken.
I've heard thru backchannels that deer are rejoicing however, because of the short reprieve. I sent word back to them not to worry, you'll be out there soon enough.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Thanks for sending the word out Dannman. They will be shaking in their hooves after Sat. though.

Over the past three seasons opener has been more for Austin than it has been for me. When I take him out I am hunting through him as much if I where out there by myself. I know there is a lot of people that say the opener is overrated but I just like being in the woods.

Last year was the best opener that I ever had. Austin dropped a nice doe within a half hour after shooting light. We had to stay in the tree for an hour and a half to let the other 12 deer mill through without spooking them all off. Needless to say that was the most activity that I had ever seen on an opener.

Here is a pic of Austin with his doe for those that haven't seen it or don't remember it.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Do what you have got to do Steve. Plenty of season. Nice picture of Austin. If it makes you feel any better, I will not be out Saturday morning. Funeral in Sunbury Friday night from 6-8 visitations. Soccer Saturday morning for Garrett. Hopefully my better half doesn't have anything come up and is able to take him to his friend's b-day party in the afternoon. I am hoping after soccer game to be in the woods!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Do what you have got to do Steve. Plenty of season. Nice picture of Austin. If it makes you feel any better, I will not be out Saturday morning. Funeral in Sunbury Friday night from 6-8 visitations. Soccer Saturday morning for Garrett. Hopefully my better half doesn't have anything come up and is able to take him to his friend's b-day party in the afternoon. I am hoping after soccer game to be in the woods!

Devore funeral home? The owner is my neighbor and the funeral home is 2 minutes away. If you were in town for different reasons I would put you in a stand that evening.



Senior Member
When's Austin going to join TOO? With you hunting with the missus, will he be out by himself this year?

I love that picture, and that was a great story for you guys.