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Senior Member
Supporting Member
Yes aparagus will grow from seeds but it takes a minimum of 3 years to get some to edible size. You can also buy "crowns" (roots) that are already 3 or more years old. Its not unusual for asparagus to produce up to 50 years with only minimal care.
We have had luck transplanting it from patches we find along railroad tracks and ditches. It grows everywhere in Wood county. Giles, I used to hate asparagus until I found several ways to cook it. I like to drizzle it in olive oil and season with Lowry's, garlic garlic from pampered chef, onion powder and the cheap parmesan cheese. mix it all well and either grill for a few minutes or throw it on a a cookie sheet in oven on 425 for about 12 minutes or so. That mix is great for any veggie


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
We were out walking around this weekend and it looks like the May Apples/Flowers are popping up. Didn't find any mushrooms and this freeze tonight will sure changes things. Might be a pretty short year for them. This freeze might hurt the fruits of the fall also.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member


Senior Member
Supporting Member

Giles... Some nice greenery there... Your way ahead of us here in Jersey.. If I find amy morels here it's usually after the 20th of April. My Dad alway's used to say when the dandelions start blooming its time to look for them.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Giles... Some nice greenery there... Your way ahead of us here in Jersey.. If I find amy morels here it's usually after the 20th of April. My Dad alway's used to say when the dandelions start blooming its time to look for them.

Not really all that green, just a lot of honey suckle.


Dignitary Member
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Stark County
Dandelions are flowering in all the house lawns across the street from me. cheapskate neighbors don't pay for spraying. no asparagus yet
I don't either, and could care less what my neighbors think. My lawn looks better than most of them when I mow it anyways[emoji23]