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Mornin' geezer!


Retired to the happy hunting grounds above.
Delivered the .243 to Tree Monkey today. They sure are makin teacher young now days! :smiley_crazy:


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat Joe? LOL, I am big time at the river, people come from all over to see me just make one cast, lol. :smiley_clap:

You laugh but when the swanny goes fishing it's like a peewee soccer game.. One kid with the ball, everybody massed around him, and open field everywhere else.


*Supporting Member*
Awesome news I just received. My daughter is making me a gramps again!

And my son has a ride to and from football tonight, so I get to take my old compound out to the stand tonight! Been years since I've carried that bow. Sure would love to get a shot a nice fat doe, wish me luck!

Time for a shower, lattas Ya'll! :smiley_crazy::smiley_crazy::smiley_crazy:


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
What a fucked up day boys!!! I went from shit to roses!!!!

Ok here is the deal, I told you guys about the 2007 Silverado with 41,000 miles on it that I was to pick up today. Was pre-approved through fuck face Capital One which is where my current truck, a 2005 Dodge Dakota that wont start when it is hot outside was currently fianced and have paid them months ahead, never once was I late. Sooooooooo I get there with a hard on for this truck and they tell me Capital one declinded me because I was "Self Employeed". Whaaaaaaaaaaaat????? Ya did not turn me down some 14 months ago when I just started working again with THE SAME CO THAT I AM SELF EMPLOYED WITH NOW!!!!!!!!!! So I tell the dealership just give me my deposit back and I am walking. They said NO, No, No hang on. They call GMC, I get approval for a BRAND NEW 1500 Silverado, 42 miles, tow package, plow package ( does not have power windows, locks, and a cd player ) that is $30,000 grand - vs $20,000 for a used truck. WTF!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and I went from 16% interest for the used truck to 3.9 % interest for the new truck whick makes my monthly payments almost $100. 00 less a month. Jack Asses!!

I am thinking of sending Capital One a email thanking them for turning down a Self Employeed guy that has paid them in adavnce for my monthly payments and allowing me to buy a new instaed of a used truck and saving me $1,200 a year. How messed up is that guys????? :smiley_crazy:

Ok, sorry to vent, just wanted to share my days events with my friends on TOO.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Awesome news I just received. My daughter is making me a gramps again!

And my son has a ride to and from football tonight, so I get to take my old compound out to the stand tonight! Been years since I've carried that bow. Sure would love to get a shot a nice fat doe, wish me luck!

Time for a shower, lattas Ya'll! :smiley_crazy::smiley_crazy::smiley_crazy:

Congratulations Grandpa Badger! :smile:


Senior Member

There goes the 2500! You shoulda walked any ways and went back the next day and seen what the deal was ;) Either way, sounds like you're getting a good deal (except from Capital One)


Senior Member
Mornin' Fellars!

Today was a better day than yesterday and for that I'm grateful. Had some good times with friends tonight, but not TOO much - my ass is going to be sitting in a chair taking a practice LSAT (law school entrance) exam for 4 hours today. Bet those 4 hours would pass a lot easier in a tree stand.

Hope someone knocks one down TOOday!
congrats riverdude , would be cool to read the email you sent capitol one, my days events consisted of hanging a deer my buddy shot , catching bluegill for bait , watched the munchkins till wife got home , cooked supper , froze my butt off till 11 pm fishing for catfish came home laid down , youngest daughter wouldnt go to sleep braught her in laid her down beside me , to watch a hunting movie ( she loves watching them) she rolls over lays her head on my chest and projectile vomits all over me , i jump up real quick which scares her and makes her puke right in my lap , took nice long very very hot shower threw my hunting cloths which i had on when she puked on me in the washer , now im sittin here typing to you dip sticks that are still awake at 233 in the morning

lung buster

Senior Member
hocking county
Morning all. Another day in the life! Would be a great morning to be in a stand. Unfortunately I won't. Kids have last soccer game today and then its bed time. Good luck today TOO!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Good Morning fellas. Looking TOO be a great day TOO be in the woods. Taking the wife out for her first tree stand hunt. Hope we see all this chasing that you guys are talking about. Should be nice with the temps in the lower 30s.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Mornin boyz!
Badger, I hope u wuz as lucky last evening as you were yesterday mornin:smile:
Dude - Cap One has no regard whatsoever for their loyal customers. Good move on the truck! Very good move.
UK - dang, man. Hope yer baby girl gets feelin better. Now you got a good story to embarrass her with in 10 yrs when the boyz start callin on her.

It's a 3 day weekend for me (takin mon off) - goin skirrul huntin this mornin then to a Halloween party tonite. Will leave the party early to drive south so's I can be on stand first thing in the mornin tomorrow fer a doe-slayin exercise.;) Went to bed early last nite and slept pretty good, so this is shapin up to be a good day. I'm pretty relaxed right now.


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
Morning Cuzin Geezer, DM, RC, CJD, Ernie, Badger, J, Cotty, Cobb, Hoot, and all you other fine fellers here on TOO.

Well got to start doing some stuff around the house today, go get me a new male insert for the towing on the truck, oh gotta pick me up on of dem adapters for tail lights, get some gas and then going fishing.

Have a safe and great day guys. ;)


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
Here is the new truck, thanks Capital One, could not have gotten this if it was not for you turning down a long time customer that never was late. Actually THANK YOU GMC, LOL.

This was the one I was suppose to get.

Funny how things work out. ;)