Sucks to be me.
I miss my family and my tree stand
(and my dog.)
But a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do.
sorry bout the rhymes. I work un-supervised an my mind wanders.
The Man is doing what the Man's gotta do;
count yer blessings - it doan suck to be you.
You got yer health, and a wonderful wife,
a home in the woods, it's a pretty good life.
Things have changed and it's easy to see,
your comfort zone is not what it used to be.
One thing is sure and that's life, it will change.
Soon enough you will be home on the range.
The hole will be done and you'll be home soon,
shootin yer guns, and hittin' that poon.
But Jeffie I fear will be stuck in the woods,
Cheetos and porn will do him no good.
He'd like to be a promiscuous man,
But to get some strange, all he can do is switch hands.