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Morning vs Evening Kills


Senior Member
Ina Duck Blind
Majority of my kills have been mid day to be honest (mature bucks). Overall kills I would say ive had alot more success in the evenings. I think alot of people will have different opinions based on the areas they hunt (ie. food sources, transition areas, Bedding, ect) each has there own time that makes them better.


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
I actually prefer evening hunts early in the season. I have bumped TOO many deer in the past going to my stand. From late October on , I go all day iny stand, if work allows me. During the pre-rut, when the chasing begins, is when I go " ALL IN "!! All day long...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
If I'm hunting near corn, then evenings are the time when I have killed most of my bucks. If hunting in the woods, then I have killed more bucks in the mornings. I prefer evening hunts, just for the simple fact that the later it gets, the better chance there is of a buck showing up.

Most of my larger bucks have came from morning hunts though..