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Mother fuggen birds!


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
So I have basically taken care of the ditch tiger problem I was having in my woods. NOW, it has created an entire new problem. We are being over taken by birds and tree rats. The other day I noticed the cardinals were pecking the mirrors on my trucks all to shit. So I just fold them in when I park it now. I went out just a minute ago and the are standing on my toolbox blasting away at my back window! WTF!!! I just had this thing painted last spring and they are fugging it all up… Anyone have an ideas that don't include cats?

"taking care of them" doesn't seem to have much of an effect. More just keep coming…

Thanks, Giles


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
This is my drivers door... I'll get a pic of the back window with the sun on it later.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
It's bird breeding time and they are pecking at a rival. You'll just have to cover up the windows for couple weeks.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
OH SNAP Jesse!!!! That's hilarious!

Frank is right Giles, I had a cardinal going ape shit on our back door window and truck side mirrors too a few years back. Just cover with cardboard or paper so he doesn't see his reflection. It will pass...


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I'm not getting any audio and not frailer with that movie.

I'm currently trying to clean out my garage to be able to at least get my wife's car in. Her's is getting blasted too. This is my 3rd spring here and have never had this problem. I'm 20' away from my truck and these things are still going after it… I wonder how they'd taste with BBQ sauce?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Here's what I did last year while I was at work and they were shitting on my mirrors. I went to tsc, bought a couple of those big ass sticky mouse traps, tied them to the top of my mirrors. Came out on break one day and there was a pile of feathers stuck to one, no bird shit on my mirrors though:D